Sunday, 5 February 2012


Perfect week YES.

I am currently watching the super bowl (spell check suggested I change that to ‘super owl’, that sounds more enjoyable to). Americans are so gosh darn American. There are huge flags, soldiers and guns all over the place. There is a guy called Tom Brady that everyone keeps going on about, he looks like a pussy. I don’t think American football is a very good sport.

So this week I have been in hospital for my placement. I have poked an awful lot of tummies. Other than that it has been enjoyable but fairly unremarkable.

I can’t decide who I hate most, people who feel the need to point out it is snowing on facebook, or people who complain about those people writing about the snow. I do realise the hypocrisy in this.

I have this week off university which is nice. I really need to start my big 5000 word essay but at the moment that just doesn’t seem too appealing to me.

I really can’t think of much else exciting to talk about. I have a blog ideas list on my phone but I seem to have made lots of additions to it whilst drunk. The ideas for this week were “I love kidneys” and “war is a bad thing”. Although both those statements are true, I am not sure how to work them into a good blog.

Josh suggested on facebook we should try and jazz things up a bit, maybe we should try role playing? I seriously think we should do vlogs though, maybe only for a weekly challenge or something. I think it would be fun and might just do it anyway.

David, you will be pleased to hear I have got into Parks and Rec more since I last talked to you about it. I have finished season 2 and am halfway through 3 now. I do indeed care a lot about the characters now. I can’t begin to decide who I like best; it changes on a weekly basis. I can safely say Jerry is the worst though.

Right, got to run otherwise I’ll miss the kick off. Do they even have kick offs in American football? We’ll soon find out.