I think Saturday likes it.
Yeah, I forgot to blog this week. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know its Saturday. But you know what? I can either blog or not blog. I guess you can read this or not.
Today I'm nursing a massive hangover, started the day by dragging myself across Falmouth from Lily's to mine, stopping off at Tesco and Dominos to collect supplies. Now I have a tonne of leftover pizza in the fridge and it's all double decadence bitches!!!!
Last night I helped a friend move into his new flat in town and celebrated with a bottle of champagne (Dan really likes his champagne) hanging out of the window overlooking the street. Something really funny about Falmouth at night time: nobody ever looks up. So you can totally see people falling over and trying to get off with people but failing and getting kicked out of clubs and none of them know you can see them. It's hilarious. But yeah, I got much more drunk than I meant to and we went out into town and I stole a girl's shoe (still don't know what to do with it). So today which was meant to be a work day has turned into me eating pizza, playing Spiderman 2 on PS2 (awesome game by the way) and... well that's it.
David, I always though Math Rock was pretty hit and miss but recently I've been won over. Oh, also it turns out that Tall Ships is a Falmouth band so I've made it a mission to see them at some point. My friend Lawrence is in a math rock band and they released their EP the other week with a gig in a hairdressers which was rad. Little Leagues, you should check them out: they're pretty tight. Also, George Club (I'm pretty sure they're from Falmouth too cause they played in a venue just around the corner the other day - they were frikkin amazing)
Cath, in my politics modules we have to do realism a lot but its all so dated it drives me mental, I wrote 2000 words last week basically slapping realist thought in the face and it was fun.
Will, you went to Glastonbury which is lovely and the pictures made me extremely jealous, I love that whole area.
Juliet, Drive is FUCKING INCREDIBLE. Spanish don't really eat pies, it's not a spanish thing but I found this recipe which uses potato instead of pastry and looks real tasty:
Tom, Chris Chan is back and it makes me so so happy (I just watched the video you put on my facebook)
That's about it really, just a quick blog to say hello. I was going to write a bit about how I hate how housemate Will hates everybody but I couldn't be bothered, I guess there's just not enough hate in me right now.
Tomorrow I'm renting a rowing boat and going to St Mawes to get icecream, I wish I had a camera so I could show you guys next week but never mind.
I'm not saying love to your mothers anymore cause I've gotten bored of it and I literally just realised that I stole it from the Jon Richardson and Russel Howard radio show.