Sunday, 12 February 2012

Science and stuff

I also like the idea of songs at the start of blogs. Try this one out:

Good evening friends.

As I mentioned last week, I have must had the entire week off. Not having to get up in the mornings was just fantastic; in fact, I don’t think I have been out of bed before noon for the past 9 days. Anyone who tells you medicine is a difficult course is a liar.

So I had all sorts of ideas with what I was going to do with my week, but as I said earlier, most of it was spent in bed. The rest I spent writing my big research project thing for this year. It is titled “The British Heart Foundation (BHF) Zebrafish “Mending Broken Hearts” appeal” (Yo dawg, I heard you liked quotation marks so we put a quote in your quote so you can quote whilst you quote). It’s not due until the end of term but I figured there was going to be no better time to write it than now. So I have managed 3800 words of complicated science which I don’t fully understand but hey, it’s not been too terrible.
Whilst writing the project I realised something I never knew before. Science is much more commercialised than I imagined. I assumed if you were a researcher doing some big world changing project, you would want your ground-breaking results to be out there in the world so that everyone could see them and marvel in your brilliance. It turns out this isn’t really the case. All the journals require subscriptions which cost obscene amounts of money. For example, I am not willing to pay $32.99 to access the American Journal of Cardiology, no matter how relevant their research is to my essay. I do of course have access to quite a lot of journal through uni, but still, not all of them. This kind of goes against everything I ever thought about the principals of science, surely anyone wanting to know about certain research should be able to without having to pay stupid amounts of money. I understand there needs to be some kind of monetary aspect to the whole thing, after all, journals won’t publish themselves, but you’d think it would make more sense to budget in some kind of publishing expense into the initial budget for the project.
Anyway, enough of all that. My favourite places in no particular order are:
1)      Somerford Keynes – I have lovely memories of summer there
2)      Upcote Farm - where 2000trees is, ‘nuff said
3)      The Savoy - not really for the place, more just somewhere I associate with you guys
4)      Burbage cricket pitch - I have spent countless beautiful summer afternoons here
5)      My uni house – having a house that you can call your very own house is pretty rad
EDIT I just reread David’s after writing mine and I swear I didn’t just copy them.
What’s with these university memes facebook pages that have been flooding my news feed recently? They are terrible. Also if I have to explain the idea of memes or how to pronounce the word one more time I think I will punch a baby. This essentially sums up my feelings towards the whole thing:

Did someone once set the challenge to post something interesting you learnt this week? I’m sure I have read that challenge somewhere, maybe it was on the Pizza Poo-lice. Anyway, if it hasn’t already been done, what is something interesting you have learnt this week?
I think this is one of the best pictures I have ever seen:

Good night.