Monday, 13 February 2012


I've been really excited to blog this week guys, I'm not sure why I don't particularly have anything to say, but yeah, just looking forward to it.

My abridged week:
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday morning I went to Canterbury to visit the misses because 'fuck learning things lol'. On thursday evening I went to a Jim Lockey gig in Caaaaamden with my housemate Joe and me and Jim had a good old chat about 2000 trees and stuff, they were really good and I'm not really sure how they're not famous yet. Friday I had a long day at Uni and I met up with Kerry for a bit because she was in London this weekend and then Chamber Choir had a concert in a Russian Orthodox church and we sang russian songs and it went rather well really! After that we went to the unionnnnn and then I ended up leaving to go to a house party where I knew like 3 people but it was crazy fun still, uni man :). This weekend was mainly about lab report which was ok and then on Sunday evening Kerry and I went to Nandos and for a beer before she went back to Exceter (boooo), it was really really nice.

OH ALSO whilst I was doing lab report I managed to watch the first season of Sherlock for the first time, I'm pretty sure y'all have seen it but if you havn't it became one of my favourite tv programms pretty quickly really. (has everyone seen it?)

Will that challenge was a pizzapoliece one yeah, however I'll still oblige. I don't think it was this week but rescently I learnd something pretty cool. If you look at the intensity of the spectrum of wavelengths the sun emits (ie this graph below) you see like a big peak, that big peak range is the visible light bit and the reason we see that bit of the spectrum and not like the infared bit is because that's the most intense bit so we evolved eyes to see it (if that makes sence, I didn't word it very well)

So yeah there's that.

So mid writing this Thomas and I had a row about the blog and to spite me he was going to fuck shit around so I removed him, if anyone wants the full story just facebook me. He can come back whenever he wants.

I'm now in a bad mood guyssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss SIGH

Josh - well done on your essay, how much does getting to falmouth cost?
Juliet - your life is too interesting, stop it. (also i hope youre alrightttt)

Saaaaaaafe :)