I woke up in the middle of the night last night and remembered that this is the best song ever. I think it's important that we spread the word.
A new thing I've learnt this week is that wimsome badonage means light-hearted banter, and that you should never let anyone use word of the day toilet paper more than 5 days in a row.
SO, long time no blog, I can only apologise for this.
I suppose I should mention that it’s valentines day and I love you guys very much. If I was a good blogger I would think of something interesting and valentines themed to blog about but meh. I Don’t know about you guys but my days been pretty normal if tinged with the disappointment of us realising shrove Tuesday is in fact next week. Jim tried to persuade us to help him trawl for ‘desperate valentines sluts’ at liquid, I guess that was holidays related.
Anyways so I’m just gonna do a general catch up. Not much has happened to me in the last few months if I’m honest. I ran out of good tv(which came after I too discovered the delights of Sherlock) so started watch grey’s anatomy which has made me extremely worried about falling over incase it causes a blood clot on my brain (in grey’s anatomy if you fall your brain bleeds-this is a given). I’ve played a lot of pokemon, learnt to play poker and do the safety dance. I have also developed feuds with the she-bouncer at riverside(Tuesday or Friday club) and grumpy man bouncer at the O2 arena(alternative Friday club) which has lead me to attempt to wear disguises whenever I go out to these places, it only occurs to me now as I type this that they probably recognise me from my ID…….I’m also in trouble at Digital (Monday club) for lying on the floor and encouraging people to lie with me and just forget the world during Snow Patrol songs, party boying bouncers and giving my friend Tom a nose bleed. On a more positive not I’m pretty much bros with one of the goats from the petting zoo down the road from me, he like runs up to me and pulls disturbing faces while I scratch his shoulder and I met a guy who sleeps in a permanent blanket fort the other day. I was supposed to sign for a house this week but we’re pretty disorganised so now we have to look at even more, le sigh. I’m not living as a 9 anymore because it turns out that many people can’t agree on the same house. I think its probably healthier not to have everyone you like and enough people for a party living in your house anyway.
I also got my haircut last week, during which I failed to utilise any of my pre-prepared small talk and instead learnt EVERY detail about my hairdressers life(a quick nugget-3 and a half years ago she went on holiday to Greece, the rooms in the villa were a bit small and she didn’t like the colour of the soft furnishings but she did like the pool and the flaming shots they made out of baileys sambucca and tequila, she hasn’t been back there because the boyfriend she was with was no good….). I also went to the doctors, who told me I needed to change my lifestyle if I want to live past middleage, so I guess Im about due a mid-life crisis now. I also need blood tests which sucks. On a brighter note I watched star wars episodes IV, V and VI for the first time but my friend tricked me into agreeing to play the game chug wine every time Han is hot so I nearly didn’t survive the experience.
I PASSED FIRST SEMESTER. The guy who marked my essays did point out that I might want to try capitalising the starts to all my sentences in future though……but I’m not failing so all is well :D
Ok, so I can’t think of anything else to say so Im just gonna leave it at that.
Happy Valentines guys :3