Friday, 13 November 2009


Well obviously this week my blog post is going to have slight relevence to my Fit that i had a few days ago. I'm not sure 100% how it happened but essentially this could mean toning down my lifestlye untill I know whats what. Other then that, I finally got round to finishing my math exams and also uploading the photos to facebook (Stop bitching at me now Juliet). I'm not too sure what else to mention about todays blog post but I can make a point about World of Warcraft like on the 'Roll Call'.

These days on World of warcraft any idiot can get some of the highest gear by doing the easyest things. This is bullshit because its like giving a complete fuckwit a PHD. While it makes him look good, he's still an idiot. Back in the day on World of Warcraft you had to work hard and play hard to earn your epic items. It also seemed like a bigger accomplishment to kill bosses whereas now days you just keep killing the same bosses over and over.

So thats pretty much all I have to write about this week, hope you enjoy it. And i also hope you enjoy this picture.