Thursday, 12 November 2009

A horse is a horse

Of course,
But this week I've had slightly more pressing matters on my mind (I know, I know, first post, lets just jump straight into this). If urine is so sterile then why do we wash our hands? I mean, if people in the desert drink it and doctors used to sterilise needles with it (albeit people used to die more) then surely if you end up pissing on your hands - it's just like a pretty deccent hand wash? Better than going and turning the taps smothered in god-knows-what after washing in the sink anyway? I just don't get it. So I consulted my encyclopedia.

Apparently, the Encyclopedia Britannica is a bit more concerned with global warming and music and sleep paterns and natural phenomena and ... and stuff.

So please, google it, come up with something better than 'lol, fags don't wash their hands'

Oh, did anyone see 'The Family' last night? Man, was that depressing. Last week me and my sister were in stitches from begining to end but last night I just had to sit through an hour of this married couple fighting. Then I went to my room and listened to Lou Reed so I'd be lying if I went to bed in a good mood.

I started reading 'Ender's game' this week. It's this book that's been sat next to my bed probably since commonweal I just decided to pick up one sleepless night and I'm really really into it. I haven't read an entire book probably ... this year..? Now suddenly I have a list to get through before christmas. Is it bad that this sort of stuff is all I have to talk about?

I LOVE WINTER. I got all cosy'd up in my winter coat and scarf and hat today and got rained on and shivered all th way home but didn't care cause I was listening to the dodo's and my bike pedal coming off was a good excuse for not going to politics (sorry Cath). Now I have a cup of tea, Martina Topley Bird and a stack of homework to do, which probably means I should get on with it.

So I'll leave you with this:

David: I would swap with you but I work monday nights
Juliet: Check this out! - and yer, it is for real
Cath: Calm down, eat some sugar
Tom: See you tomorrow

Josh out