Wednesday, 18 November 2009
sooooo I've decided not to go to uni next year, I doubt I'd get in anywhere with my predicted grades plus it's kind of the best way i can think of to delay the inevitable. Not really entirely sure what Im to doing yet but then i never really am....... I might do this horse thingamy for a bit if theres still a place there for me or theres a programme that lets you go heard cattle in the outback which sounds pretty damn awesome though flights will be pricey, thats another thing MONEY I have 2 jobs and there is still seriously no way Im going to be able to afford half this gap year stuff like thers this really awesome human rights thingamy in cape town (which i am slightly afraid of having been very briefly to urban parts of Africa before) where you get to sit in when the parliment is in session as like an independent party to ensure no corruption and monitor conditions in refugee camps but its lik 2000 pounds for 3 months because you need an armed guard some of the time. Another place i thought of is mongolia they have really ugly ponies there and just gallop around all day, it's my kind of place.I pretty much wanna go everywhere I really REALLY want to go to south america my dad said he'd take me there in the summer to do the inca traill so i figure i might just stay behind after, anyone fancy going on a europey tour thing in the summer or maybe just renting a house like in the middle of nowhere (preferably with ponies) for like a month somewhere hot I think t'would be epic. To be honest guys I'm pooing myself it's like I always had this plan and now t's not there i realised how it might not all turn out ok after all, but I feel kind of exited too because now its not there anything could happen and life has a habit of being so much better than you could plan it. So I figure save all i can this year (cash christmas presents will be appriciated) and spend it on awesomeness for awhile while I maybe work out what the fuck to do with myself