Monday, 16 November 2009

David has Kung Flu

So second week guys, this shit's really happening.
Not much has really happened since we last spoke on these here internets, except on tuesday when TOM HAD A DUCKING FIT INFRONT OF US ALL. That wasn't cool Tom. Not cool at all.
Also yesterday I had a super fun day of singing concert and workshops, it's a crazy life I know.

I'm pretty sure other stuff has happened this week but I just can't remember. I'm sorry guys.

In other news I just got a letter from the University of Birmingham, they're telling me to get ABB then I can come do physics there. Pretty cool.
Uni times guys, they're pretty scary I'm not gunna lie, it's like we're growing up.

I know I want to go do physics for 3 years, but then I have no idea what I want to do. I don't want to stay in education forever, but I so don't want to get a real job or anything. I mean what if it's boring guys? What if I've picked the wrong thing and I actually find Science really boring and I want to be a professional cook or something?
I think I might do a post-grad degree in music because it would suck to lose that.

SO what's everyone elses plan? Where have y'all applied to and to do what?
And Tom what are you gunna do next year and after that?
If you're lucky I'll talk about where I've applied next week.

OH ALSO IN NEWS our good friends Freya Joe and Jailin (oh god I can't spell it) have been given money for a house by the council :) thought everyone would be excited to know

Tom - World of Gaycraft is Gay. Have you seen the doctor yet?
Cath - You're very right, but breath?
Juliet and Josh - I have nothing particutlar to say to either of you, keep being awesome

Does anyone read our blog yet?
I'm really liking it


cyanide and happiness is still funny