Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Merry Tuesday.

Listening to: Another Universe by
Golden Silvers. Since I forgot to post
Last week, chosen by David it is my
Forfeit to blog as Shakespeare favoured most.
A sonnet they said! A-B-A-B rhyme
And a couplet to end. With iambic
Pentameter (ten syllables per line).
Fourteen lines overall to make it stick.
So here we go, with inevitably
Nothing to say. Yesterday I got an
Offer from Leicester University
- Like Swindon, with added racism, man.
Now just Edinburgh left. My number one
Choice. So weird, in a year we’ll all be gone.

This poetry lark is not so bad. I’m
Feeling art-tastic – I’m painting again.
Work’s good, on bar making cocktails with lime,
And serving fancy bottles of champagne.
One hundred and twenty pounds for some Dom
Perignon! The place is full with all these
Rich people trying to forget they’re from
Swindon. Come on, get over it please.
Embrace your town and do it right! Grab a
Bottle of Strongbow and get yourself down
The park. Do it the Swindonian way!
Keep going until your liver turns brown.
For the pros a bottle of Frosty Jack -
Not us of course. Never ever go back.

So, what’s the verdict? Have I done enough?
And what about Tom? What price must he pay?
I’ve worked hard on this, y’know. It’s been tough.
He can’t be allowed to just get away
Without any punishment. Forgetting
To post! It’s a crime without peer. I’ve paid
My dues, so you better think of something
Harder – make him lie in this bed he’s made.
Make an example of him so no one
Else will ever commit this most heinous
Of crime. We can’t let him think that he’s won!
This is a matter of principle! Lest
We ever forget. So, yeah. That was my
Poem. Shit, perhaps. But ask yourself why.