Monday, 30 November 2009


My week's been pretty awesome I'm not gunna lie, Manchester on Tuesday, Juliet's on Wednesday, Hopes on Thursday (where I got terribly drunk), Kate came round on Friday, WATCHING STARTREK IN WILLS CAR ON SATURDAY, work and stuff on Sunday.

It's been awesome.

SO yeah, Manchester was SO nice guys, like srsly, if you're applying next year (cath and tom) look at it because it was SO GOOD. Like I only put it as a 5th because I needed another one, but it was super impressive. Leeds tomorrow, waking up at 6 (gay.)

And Will's on saturday was insane, if anyone ever gets the chance to watch a film on an ipod in their friends car i suggest you take it.

Juliet I must say, I was very impressed with your rhyming skillz, all is forgiven.
Cath, O'Bama looks much cooler smoking, accept it. Also I lol'd.
Josh, thankyou for answering my question and I was very impressed with your melodica.
although answer me this,

what the douche was this face?
| |

Tom, stop being such a poosk.

It's SO much fun riping it out of all the stupid people, you should all try it.
par example

Josh my favourite album of the year is a hard question, especially because my music taste tends to change every second of the day. I will eventually get back to you on that (probably when I'm doing a not so rushed blog)

I don't think there was anything else to say this blog?
So I'll close with this


Love David

Friday, 27 November 2009

Frantic friday

Well ok first of all, the blog looks like a ton of shit now and secondly its my birthday soon. This aint gonna be a long post because I cba so heres another good comic strip which i'm sure david has already seen.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

so yer, here's my blog

First of all!

This week has been pretty great
First there was the pub on sunday
Then i had work on monday night and this guy came in and was buying white dwarf and i said he could have my warhammer table and he said he was going to take it to great ormond street where he works and let the kids play with it which is great cause i've never used it and it's been in my crawlspace for like...ever.
Then Tuesday I remember doing something (though I'm not sure what) - I think that was fun
Wednesday we all went to jubs's and listened to LPs and went on a walk
So yer, this brings us pretty-much-up-to-date with right now, here, this day.

Juliet, I must commend your poetry skills and agree - tom should be punished
So seeing as yours is tomorrow and nobody's put anything forward:
Tom, your challenge is do a blog in the form of a flash animation.
And not being bothered to read the blogs is no excuse. Hop to man!

So about two weeks ago, I found a band called the magnetic fields which I reccomend to everyone and anyone.
Okay, so I have a question - I know we still have a month left but I'm just asking - what's your favourite album of the decade? Big question, I know but give it a go.

David - I like green

Oh and another thing...

That's right
| |

EDIT: I just recieved an offer from Portsmouth conditional on a B in history.
Well, they do have the lowest entry requirements but it's a start, right?

See you next week

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

listening to: oh wait only dickheads do this

bloggedy bloggedy blog BLOG. Had a pretty mundane day sat around for most of it, watched that really sad episode of 8 simple rules where the dad dies, bad times. David that DVD you gave was awesome, I think possibley it was more than just a film Juliet got so confused she forgot how to go to the toilet. I read marxist literature while i watched it so i could feel like a cool kid. We found a cool cottage for holiday its near a lake and a little village and its in the middle of the countryside so we can chill country style, I'm well exited guys. My back hurts................... Belle the really awesome pretty horse isn't being sold anymore :)
Well now i feel physically sick, accidently venturing onto while clicking on a pic of barak obama smoking(I don't care what you say it made him look cool) is not for the faint hearted this is a universe where heath ledger commited suicide because he was overexposed to the hideous unnaturalness of homosexuality by those 'wogs in Hollywood' (actual quote) Its perfectly right to segregate white people and black people to reduce risk of rape and murder and yet a fertalised egg has the same rights as a person. Don't really know what to do with myself now

oh yer, btw guys, turns out i'm gay

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Merry Tuesday.

Listening to: Another Universe by
Golden Silvers. Since I forgot to post
Last week, chosen by David it is my
Forfeit to blog as Shakespeare favoured most.
A sonnet they said! A-B-A-B rhyme
And a couplet to end. With iambic
Pentameter (ten syllables per line).
Fourteen lines overall to make it stick.
So here we go, with inevitably
Nothing to say. Yesterday I got an
Offer from Leicester University
- Like Swindon, with added racism, man.
Now just Edinburgh left. My number one
Choice. So weird, in a year we’ll all be gone.

This poetry lark is not so bad. I’m
Feeling art-tastic – I’m painting again.
Work’s good, on bar making cocktails with lime,
And serving fancy bottles of champagne.
One hundred and twenty pounds for some Dom
Perignon! The place is full with all these
Rich people trying to forget they’re from
Swindon. Come on, get over it please.
Embrace your town and do it right! Grab a
Bottle of Strongbow and get yourself down
The park. Do it the Swindonian way!
Keep going until your liver turns brown.
For the pros a bottle of Frosty Jack -
Not us of course. Never ever go back.

So, what’s the verdict? Have I done enough?
And what about Tom? What price must he pay?
I’ve worked hard on this, y’know. It’s been tough.
He can’t be allowed to just get away
Without any punishment. Forgetting
To post! It’s a crime without peer. I’ve paid
My dues, so you better think of something
Harder – make him lie in this bed he’s made.
Make an example of him so no one
Else will ever commit this most heinous
Of crime. We can’t let him think that he’s won!
This is a matter of principle! Lest
We ever forget. So, yeah. That was my
Poem. Shit, perhaps. But ask yourself why.

Monday, 23 November 2009

blogs are gay, like your mum


Cath and Josh, you're my favourites
Juliet you know fine well what your punishment is and i god damned expect you to do it well
Tom this is for you

It's practically christmas, I'm so excited
Interview at Manchester Uni tomorrow guys, scary stuff.
I don't really have anything else to say
what's your favourite colour?

Juliet I'll see your bad ass rhyming self tomorrow

Short post lulz

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Week 2 in the house and Josh is writing a blog

This week, I like The Great Lake Swimmers, Red House Painters and Yeaysayer :)

sO I sent off my university application yesterday. It was pretty rad, I went to my tutor with cake and a lsit of things for him to put on my reference. He always did strike me as a raisin kind of guy - lovely but just a bit dull. Turns out I'm a good judge of cakey character. University's suddenly scary now it's all out of my hands. It seems like a kind of conveyor belt which is already planned out for you: school, college, uni, job, midlife crisis. And I don't like it. I know people who have dropped out and landed on their feet just fine so why the heck not? Some people do love Uni though, I just hope I'm one of them cause otherwise this is all going to seem like a total waste of time.


Cath, gap year sounds AWESOME especially that one in africa. If I had the money I would take the year out but right now I'm just saving up for living costs at university (if I ever acually go). I would love to travel some time (like, not family holiday - an actual adventure) but I don't think it will happen for another couple of years unfortunately. People want too much money for you to see their country which makes me wonder what it is they're hiding...

I'm super-phsyched today cause I went to my piano teacher and she said I don't have to learn the third movement of my sonata for my performance exam, which means I only have to play the two movements and can still make about 15 minutes worth. Great news - Mozart is borrrrrring. Should be done in like two or three weeks and then FINALLY I can play what I want to play.

Speaking of music - when are we getting together for acousticing stuff up? Cause we almost did that one time but everyone was busy doing this and that and I never ended up there in time and it all seemed to come to nothing. Oh and David, if you want my advise, don't take the music course, A level has absolutely destroyed everything I loved about classical music - maybe it's just me, some people like it. I'm sure the degree is totally different anyway, right? PS. still covering my saturday 9-1? :)

Well, I don't know what else to say. I've just realised that the town lights come on in like ten minutes and I should be able to see the fireworks from my room. Maybe that's what I'll do next.

Oh yer, Juliet - well done for posting this week.


Wednesday, 18 November 2009

sooooo I've decided not to go to uni next year, I doubt I'd get in anywhere with my predicted grades plus it's kind of the best way i can think of to delay the inevitable. Not really entirely sure what Im to doing yet but then i never really am....... I might do this horse thingamy for a bit if theres still a place there for me or theres a programme that lets you go heard cattle in the outback which sounds pretty damn awesome though flights will be pricey, thats another thing MONEY I have 2 jobs and there is still seriously no way Im going to be able to afford half this gap year stuff like thers this really awesome human rights thingamy in cape town (which i am slightly afraid of having been very briefly to urban parts of Africa before) where you get to sit in when the parliment is in session as like an independent party to ensure no corruption and monitor conditions in refugee camps but its lik 2000 pounds for 3 months because you need an armed guard some of the time. Another place i thought of is mongolia they have really ugly ponies there and just gallop around all day, it's my kind of place.I pretty much wanna go everywhere I really REALLY want to go to south america my dad said he'd take me there in the summer to do the inca traill so i figure i might just stay behind after, anyone fancy going on a europey tour thing in the summer or maybe just renting a house like in the middle of nowhere (preferably with ponies) for like a month somewhere hot I think t'would be epic. To be honest guys I'm pooing myself it's like I always had this plan and now t's not there i realised how it might not all turn out ok after all, but I feel kind of exited too because now its not there anything could happen and life has a habit of being so much better than you could plan it. So I figure save all i can this year (cash christmas presents will be appriciated) and spend it on awesomeness for awhile while I maybe work out what the fuck to do with myself

Monday, 16 November 2009

David has Kung Flu

So second week guys, this shit's really happening.
Not much has really happened since we last spoke on these here internets, except on tuesday when TOM HAD A DUCKING FIT INFRONT OF US ALL. That wasn't cool Tom. Not cool at all.
Also yesterday I had a super fun day of singing concert and workshops, it's a crazy life I know.

I'm pretty sure other stuff has happened this week but I just can't remember. I'm sorry guys.

In other news I just got a letter from the University of Birmingham, they're telling me to get ABB then I can come do physics there. Pretty cool.
Uni times guys, they're pretty scary I'm not gunna lie, it's like we're growing up.

I know I want to go do physics for 3 years, but then I have no idea what I want to do. I don't want to stay in education forever, but I so don't want to get a real job or anything. I mean what if it's boring guys? What if I've picked the wrong thing and I actually find Science really boring and I want to be a professional cook or something?
I think I might do a post-grad degree in music because it would suck to lose that.

SO what's everyone elses plan? Where have y'all applied to and to do what?
And Tom what are you gunna do next year and after that?
If you're lucky I'll talk about where I've applied next week.

OH ALSO IN NEWS our good friends Freya Joe and Jailin (oh god I can't spell it) have been given money for a house by the council :) thought everyone would be excited to know

Tom - World of Gaycraft is Gay. Have you seen the doctor yet?
Cath - You're very right, but breath?
Juliet and Josh - I have nothing particutlar to say to either of you, keep being awesome

Does anyone read our blog yet?
I'm really liking it


cyanide and happiness is still funny

Friday, 13 November 2009


Well obviously this week my blog post is going to have slight relevence to my Fit that i had a few days ago. I'm not sure 100% how it happened but essentially this could mean toning down my lifestlye untill I know whats what. Other then that, I finally got round to finishing my math exams and also uploading the photos to facebook (Stop bitching at me now Juliet). I'm not too sure what else to mention about todays blog post but I can make a point about World of Warcraft like on the 'Roll Call'.

These days on World of warcraft any idiot can get some of the highest gear by doing the easyest things. This is bullshit because its like giving a complete fuckwit a PHD. While it makes him look good, he's still an idiot. Back in the day on World of Warcraft you had to work hard and play hard to earn your epic items. It also seemed like a bigger accomplishment to kill bosses whereas now days you just keep killing the same bosses over and over.

So thats pretty much all I have to write about this week, hope you enjoy it. And i also hope you enjoy this picture.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

A horse is a horse

Of course,
But this week I've had slightly more pressing matters on my mind (I know, I know, first post, lets just jump straight into this). If urine is so sterile then why do we wash our hands? I mean, if people in the desert drink it and doctors used to sterilise needles with it (albeit people used to die more) then surely if you end up pissing on your hands - it's just like a pretty deccent hand wash? Better than going and turning the taps smothered in god-knows-what after washing in the sink anyway? I just don't get it. So I consulted my encyclopedia.

Apparently, the Encyclopedia Britannica is a bit more concerned with global warming and music and sleep paterns and natural phenomena and ... and stuff.

So please, google it, come up with something better than 'lol, fags don't wash their hands'

Oh, did anyone see 'The Family' last night? Man, was that depressing. Last week me and my sister were in stitches from begining to end but last night I just had to sit through an hour of this married couple fighting. Then I went to my room and listened to Lou Reed so I'd be lying if I went to bed in a good mood.

I started reading 'Ender's game' this week. It's this book that's been sat next to my bed probably since commonweal I just decided to pick up one sleepless night and I'm really really into it. I haven't read an entire book probably ... this year..? Now suddenly I have a list to get through before christmas. Is it bad that this sort of stuff is all I have to talk about?

I LOVE WINTER. I got all cosy'd up in my winter coat and scarf and hat today and got rained on and shivered all th way home but didn't care cause I was listening to the dodo's and my bike pedal coming off was a good excuse for not going to politics (sorry Cath). Now I have a cup of tea, Martina Topley Bird and a stack of homework to do, which probably means I should get on with it.

So I'll leave you with this:

David: I would swap with you but I work monday nights
Juliet: Check this out! - and yer, it is for real
Cath: Calm down, eat some sugar
Tom: See you tomorrow

Josh out

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Hi…first post, sorry if it just comes across as a rant or a mindless outpouring of random thoughts but I am not a particularly eloquent writer, ask anyone I can’t even use paragraphs. Anyways this is whats been rattling around the confusing and often frightening world of my mind this week, ‘big society not big state’(David Camerons new big idea) What a cunt of a statement, for starts I really can’t see any parties within the British system arguing for any kind of big state, what labour has created is not a big state, nationalisation died along with our dreams when Thatcher came to power. David Cameron is not arguing against a big state he’s assaulting the welfare state (the institutional model a part of big state but not the entire of it) directly attacking the proportion of GDP being used by the state, not an entirely indefensible position considering that each individuals proportion of national debt is now larger than that of a small African nation but the strange thing is the man who claims to support openness in politics has tried to make this into some strange visionary principle painting the picture of a utopian society of imposed morals and individual responsibility (read self interest) . Has he been watching too many of Barack Obama’s speeches? Is he having a sort of strange political midlife crisis? As leader of the conservative party he has every right to be rational, to be the grown up who makes tough choices but there’s no way your going to evoke passion or be a visionary, you can no more get exited about a Tory party policy than u can about vaccination. People vote conservative because they’ve given up they’ve discovered a secret that makes them think their better than everyone else LIFE SUCKS and since discovering this they find progress tiring and dreams frivolous, they think it would be nice to stop for awhile let things stay the same or maybe a bit more like the olden days. Poor David’s misguided attempt to make conservativism the socialism of the 21st century was doomed from the off because his key electorate have lost hope, this is as good as it gets, oh well at least we’re not poor. But still he tries, still he rambles this mindless drivel about charitys taking the role of the welfare state, an obviously unworkable option considering its been proven that people tend only to give to charities that play a part in their own lives religious people give to churches, rich people give to the arts etc., its not because their selfish it’s because it is what occurs to them but what this means is that the welfare state, most prominent in the lives of the poor will have to receive the majority of its funding from those same people, and then there’s decentralisation giving power to neighbourhoods to choose how their neighbourhood is run. WAY TO FUEL THE EVER INCREASING INEQUALITY IN OUR SOCIETY DAVID, way to allow the rich to withdraw even further from society into their own special neighbourhoods where they can choose the type of houses built(read type of neighbours) and fund their own council services just for their neighbourhood, way to find another way of expecting the needy to fund the needy. And who will ensure the coherence of this society with minimal central planning THE MAGIC HANDS OF COURSE and you thought we left those in the 1920’s, yes the same magic hands which have worked so well in running our deregulated economy will now be running our society too. What a phenomenal cunt and worst than all the rest of this is that we’ve heard it all before ‘Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope’ . Lets not go back there.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Don't look now, it's Tuesday.

Listening to: Worried Shoes by Karen O. & the Kids

Yeah, man. HTML my friends. =D
(Although, just noticed that all the basic text formatting is in the toolbar anyway. How disapointing.)

So, Tuesday. Probably should've waited until after college to write this. Y'know, until I've actually done something worthy with my life.
Though, I suppose I have news: Juliet Luft, sober till the new year!
Saving money and keeping me sane.

Although, haven't yet decided where my morals lie in this vow of alcoholic abstinence. Or in any case if there are any moral components to the decision. I think it's more - stop wasting £100 a week and stop getting off with randomers before people begin to hate on me.
C'est la vie.

Haha, love how when it autosaves the 'SAVE NOW' button flashes like the computer pressed it. =D
That'll be my favourite feature of Blogger.
Like how on iPlayer the volume goes up to eleven.

Oooh! I remember now.
The Russell Howard vs the Malards saga has thickened!
Recap for those not paying attention:
In 'Russell Howard's Good News' Howard made a joke about Malard Ducks and their fondness of gang rape, a joke I had heard before from the lips of one Stewart Lee.
David suggested that perhaps Stewart had given Russell the joke, and was perhaps a 'contributer' (read: 'writer') on the 'Good News' show.
I checked the credits and who should I find but Richard fucking Herring. Not only a phenominally shit comedian but once a memeber of the comedy duo: Lee & Herring, eg: Stewart Lee's EX-comedy partner!
SO! We see how a bitter Herring has seen the success of his ex-partner Stewart Lee and has begun feeding his lines to an ignorant Russell Howard. For shame.
Problem is, Stewart Lee also has his own show out (Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle). Although originally broadcast on BBC2 it has now made it's way onto Dave, and this show includes the aforementioned malard joke. Someone other than me is going to spot this discrepency, and who are they about to believe? little squishy Russell or Stewart Lee.
Dun dun DUUUN.

Annnyway. Cath's turn next.
Her Driving Licence is currently sat by my computer.
And apparently she has left her bag here too.

Well, I'm off for marmite on toast and a cup of tea (black no sugar).

Monday, 9 November 2009

Woah David's first post woah

So hey guys
I really dont know what I'm doing this whole blog thing. Infact apart from the SHITza police a couple times I've never really read a blog.
SO THIS IS FUN and new and exciting except none of those things really.
This week has been uneventful but really really long and tiring. I hate being back at college. Awesome fireworks times on saturday and thursday though.

I dont think Monday was the best day of the week for me to pick you guys, I'm not gunna lie.
I have college 10.30 - 3, a singing lesson at 5.30 and physics tuition off mon pere at 7 - 8 so it's not the least busy of days.
Also Monday is kate's day
that makes me feel dirty.

I'm sure I'll get better at this eventually. Right?

Tom I loved your storys.


p.s. this

Friday, 6 November 2009

first official post

Well might aswell get this ball rolling seeing as it is my day today to post. Well for a start topic, last night was good :). annoyed that i burnt the bottom of my wellys abit but no harm really. Today i was really really tired and couldn't focus properly in lessons even though I finished at 12:30. That annoying bastard face Stewart pissed me off as per usual so I just phased out and almost fell asleep. Andy's lesson today was ok because it was a slow paced lesson watching these slow minded people do presentations that they clearly just googled or wiki'ed or summin. There's also another person who is in my math and english class who i really don't like because he's just a 1st year twat. I know it sounds predictable but this kid just pisses me off to no end. I'm glad in todays lesson after he finished his totally goat shit presentation entitled 'We need the Internet' Andy threw all these questions at him which he couldn't answer. yey Andy ^_^. Other then that, I don't have too much to say apart from a stupid woman i met in town who asked me if the floor we were on in the multi story car park was the ground floor. This strikes me as odd because I can tell if a lift is going up and down, Ay Caramba. Aswell as just hating on people today, I drew a silly picture, hope you like it :).

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

In the beginning...

There was God. this god named himself Tom. He was totally awesome at drinking Fosters thanks to david who had not been created yet and was also amazing at them little air hocky games. In nothingness he sat and had a thought. A thought of a new world where he could live for eternity with friends. Of course this was a silly idea so he went to the pub insted. After consuming his pints and having a chuckle with a beardy man named reginald, he used his incomprihensable powers to create a tiny world in which he would call home, also a place where he could get a really good kabab from round the corner. As he lived life though the ages, he was reall really bored because all that existed was microscopic lifeforms so he went and played World of Warcraft for a couple of millions of years untill he met some awesome people, No, not my friends today. I'm talking of course about the dinosaurs. They really know how to party then crash out on their friends home floor. Anyway a couple of million years later he made this blog to Comemirate this Awesome radical story he made from scratch. Now it is the task of other individuals to pass on their knoledge of modern life and the real life storys. Hope this whole blog thing works out guys.

Love Tom :3