Wednesday, 16 May 2012

I have finished exams!! (mostly) and the world is now beautiful again.
Have just been having the loveliest time ever since, that I've forgotten I have an exam on the 21st that I have yet to do anything for.

Thursday was last exam, had Teviot drinking times with Biology pals, then Jazz Bar with the Georgie, Dylan and some Art College peoples.
Spent a long time chatting with this old guy who's moving the Ukraine to be with a girl he met on the internet.
He gave me his email and I said we'd be e-pals. But then he told Georgie he was in love with me, and in hindsight was probably quite weird.
In the words of Pete - "You need to stop making friends. You're going to get raped."
We also adopted an American guy, and another old guy who had a dance battle with my old guy.

Spent most of Friday vomiting and watching films at Georgie's.
THEN CATH CAME UP. We went to pub then delivered treats to the people still revising then went back to the pub.

Saturday was a nice chill day. We went to charity shops, visited Gavin at work and said bye to Cathkins.

Sunday I spent essentially the entire day with Charlotte. In the eve we had films and wine with Sarah. Really really lovely evening. Talked for pretty much the entirety of both films, and forgot to eat all the ice cream we'd bought.

On Monday we played poker for hours at Gav's whilst he cooked two giant hams. Spent a gorgeous evening drinking with all the art college people whilst they ate the aforementioned hams.

Yesterday me, Sarah, Gav and Richard hit Hive hard. Then hit Bongo. Then hit Hive again, in what was a fantastic evening of free entry, £1 drinks, and ridiculous dancing.
We also watched a girl get fingered on the dancefloor. Beautiful.

Miranda, that video was awesome! I hadn't seen it before.
And, well I imagine you all know my favourite dapper kitten, so I should probably find something better.
I went a bit odd for a brief while today and kept shouting cat based puns at Richard based on things I saw around the flat, i.e. "CAT-URDAY, BY IAN MEOW-CEWAN."

OH. I thought of a good one.
It's by David Shrigley so it's art.