Sunday, 13 May 2012


Song for you. It's off that advert for beer that's on TV at the moment. I really like it.

What an exciting week it has been. Not for me personally but probably for someone somewhere which is a nice thing to think about. The week for me has on the whole been pretty dull.

I had bank holiday Monday off which was nice, normally the lecturers don't give a damn about them. That meant I didn't start learning things until Tuesday, but once I started, it seemed like I'd never stop. They somehow managed to squeeze in 16 lectures along with two practical sessions and a three hour long case study session into the remaining four days of the week.

The first 10 or so lectures were in the endocrine system which is hormones and all that jazz. The rest of the lectures were much more amusing though. They were on the reproductive system and as you can imagine, that is hilarious. One of our lecturers instead of using proper anatomy pictures seemed to inapropriately and gratuatously use what look to be cheaply made softcore porn to demonstrate various parts of the body. There have also been several memorable quotes from lecturers including one guy who preluded his lecture with the statement "now I must warn you, everytime I say the word clitoris I will laugh... and I'm going to say it A LOT". Another classic was from a female lecturer talking about semen who said "and I'm sure a lot of you are well aware, semen is extremely salty". All in all, not the worst time I've spent in lectures.

I came home on Friday evening for cricket on Saturday. We actually managed to play this weekend which was nice. We won and I took probably the best catch anyone has ever taking in the history of the entire world. Seriously, it was unbelievable. There was a photographer from the paper at the match but sadly he left before my almost superhuman cathcing ability was demonstrated. Still if you get the chance, go look at a Gazette and Herald this week, I'll totally be in it.

On Friday evening I went to Harry's house and saw Harry, Kate, Johnny, Chris and Joe Meares which was super cool. We watched Space Jam. If anything that film gets better with age.

 Hey, Miranda has joined and what's more, she's brought fancy formatting and bright colours with her! I look forward to reading many more blogs from her in the future.

Not a whole bunch more to say I don't think. I'm not heading back to uni until tomorrow because by some stroke of luck I seem to have Mondays off.

I hope your lives are all going well and exams/revision is taking too much of a toll on you. See you all real soon.