Saturday, 12 May 2012


Welcome to my first blog.

I bet you thought I had forgotten my first post, but NO!

Soooooo... not really sure what to say...

I went to Brighton yesterday to see Sarah for her birthday, and David was there and Jo and Rae and Jon (obviously) and David's friend Marion who was lovely and funny. It was wonderful! I love Brighton even though I wasn't there for long. We went to a cool bar which makes really nice cocktails and played swing music. I decided I want to learn how to dance. We also went to a pub on the seafront that looks like a ship on the inside and then we went on the beach and drank wine. I enjoyed it all very much. On the downside I had the worst poached eggs ever for breakfast, they were cooked for too long and the yolk wasn't soft :(

I'd like to go back to Brighton again for longer.

Have you guys seen this???

I expect you have but I love it so much.

On the cat theme, I challenge all of you to post your favourite cat picture.

Here's mine(for the moment):

It's a flying cat!!!!