Sunday, 1 July 2012

I’m sure my week has been incredibly boring in comparison to all of yours. I think I left my house about twice in over the entire seven days. I would say revision is going averagely. I have written so many little question cards it is unreal. I have gone over about 60 of the 110 lectures that I need to know, and then I also have a fair amount of anatomy to learn too. I think I can get through it all though.

This week I got the results for the exams I had in the middle of June. I passed them both which was lovely and I actually did quite well in them which is reassuring, I don’t think I could have managed revising for another 2 exams.

It was Reddit’s Arbitrary Day this week. The person who bought me stuff was incredibly on the ball and I got my presents almost straight away. In the little personal description I wrote that I was revising at the moment so they bought me a toy medical kit, a book of cartoons about being a doctor and the biggest box of haribo you have ever seen. I think there is a very real danger of it giving me diabetes but it will be totally worth it.

My parents are away for 4 days this week. Normally this would be an ideal opportunity to have some kind of party but I don’t think that’s going to happen this week. Maybe you guys could come over and we could watch a film or something one evening though, that would be pretty great.

Juliet, you’ve gone already and I only saw you maybe twice. I’m really sad about this but at least I got to see you briefly last night and hopefully I will be seeing you in Edinburgh in a few weeks time.

I’m really glad you had a great time in Croatia. Maybe we’ll get a chance to go somewhere else together some time, I hope so. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to make it to Trees this year either, it’s just on such a bad date. I don’t want to be the first of the original gang not to make it to one!

I’m sorry this blog is so focused on exams but I am finding it really hard to think of anything else to talk about, seriously, I think maybe I’m going slowly insane.

I'll leave you with Rémi Gaillard's new video. I don't understand what's going on but it looks incredible.