So yeah, I've really pissed myself off this time. I know how Juliet feels, wanting a kitten visit and it seems too much to ask but that would be really cool. Anybody and everyone is welcome here, there is plenty of space in the bedroom - we could probably fit another 5 or 6 people in here no problem, I'd feed you guys and show you the sights. You can meet my Falmouth friends (or at least the ones that are here this Summer), my two world colliding sounds pretty exciting. I'll be visiting in August for definite though, it's the very least I can do. I fancy a weekend at Field View festival followed by a few days of getting drunk with kittens in Swindon. We could jump in at Sommerford and be beautiful.
Anyway, here are a couple of pictures of my new room, taken on a shitty webcam:
As you can see, I rule.
Croatia was sick, but obviously you all know that.
It should be illegal for a holiday to be so awesome when there are some people in the world that will never laugh that much throughout their entire lives. It's grey and mild here at the moment, but apparently it's going to get better soon an Croatia has inspired me to go cliff jumping some more, so off to Pendennis I shall go.
My family are coming down next weekend, I haven't got a clue what to do with them, but it will be nice to see them again. It's the first time they've visited since first year so I have learnt a lot more about what to do since, trying to keep everybody entertained with the same thing is difficult in our family though. The best I can do is be seen to be coping but I just bought a Tesco shop and don't have any money until next Saturday (at which point, Kerry and David, I WILL pay you back) so this may be tricky. It's really funny being a student. When your windowsill is mouldy, your clothes are all dirty, you can hear the bar below you at midnight, there's electric to be put on the meter but still time to go until your next payday, when you put off your work until the last minute at your grade's expense, when the pubs are open but your pockets closed at least you can still laugh at yourself.
I'm gonna go cook some chicken.
Miss you all. x