Fuck, I'm tired. Blog tomorrow.
Told you I'd be back.
I spent my morning in a nervous panic as I knew I was getting exam results today. Turns out I totally passed them all and that means I get to carry on university. I am pretty ecstatic about this.
I spent several days in Exeter from Thursday to Saturday and had a damn good time. I drank and ate too much and got too much sun and not enough sleep. Saturday I came home early on the train to play cricket. I felt like death which was not fun but I played pretty good. I got hit on my ring finger by the ball at one point and it hurt like a motherfucker. My finger swelled up to an improbable size which was cool though. Here it is today after the swelling has gone down a bit. Still quite fat and bendy though:
In other news I went to the Olympics yesterday to see the rowing. It involved getting up super early which sucked but it was totally worth it. I was always looking forward to it, but as I am not at all into rowing, I didn't think it would be that great to watch. Turns out I was wrong, it was fantastic. There was thirty thousand people there so the atmosphere was awesome and the races were exciting. My favourite part was when there was a rower from Niger who had only been rowing for 3 months and had been allowed specially to compete as Niger don't have many athletes. He was so much worse than everyone else but the crowd loved him and he got the most support by miles. They interviewed him after and he was so happy and smiley and it was just lovely.
I enjoyed the opening ceremony so much. People were all mad about the Olympics but from everything I've seen so far, I would say we are bossing it.
Here's a semi-Olympic themed comic for you.
See you soon.