Sunday, 4 March 2012

Photo blogging like a good friend.

David, I loved your blog a lot so here is my attempt. I decided I would give you a blog of Friday seeing as my Sunday's are always uneventful. Here goes.

I woke up at 7:45. I was all tired because I went to see some opera (Carmen if you're interested) the night before and we went out for drinks after with our friend who was in it.

After a quick shower I felt much more awake.

Due to my tiredness, I was up far too late for breakfast so had to go without. I left the house to walk to lectures at about 8:50 which is pretty much the latest you can leave and still be on time.

My first lecture was in the physics building for some bizarre reason and as I was late so had to sit right at the front making it too difficult to take a picture. The lecture was on nerves or something.

After the lecture I had an hour break so decided to go to the med sciences library and do some work. I also had a coffee.

My next lecture was at 11 and was strokes; this was to become a theme of the morning. It was actually pretty interesting.

I had another lecture in the same lecture theatre straight after covering almost identical material which was quite annoying. The lecturer also started 10 minutes early and then got mad at people who turned up "late".

At 1 o'clock I was done for the day. I walked to Sainsbury's to get food supplies for the weekend as documented by the following photos.

When I got home I consumed the soup I had bought for lunch. It was winter vegetable flavour and delicious.

I then played Skyrim for a while, who knows how long. This is my character. As you can see, he's a total badass.

I then went on reddit and talked to Frank Turner because I am cool. I also talked to some 2000trees redditors who seemed nice.

I had fish and chips for tea. We got them in a shop called Fishminster and it does the best fish and chips in all the land. They came in a box that looked like newspaper. I was going to post a picture of the actual meal but then I ate it all.

That concludes the photo taking part of the day, but for the rest of the evening I watched LA Confidential. It is a really good film but I didn't pay enough attention to it so Dan had to keep explaining to me what was going on. Interestingly, the film is where the name Rolo Tomassi comes from. There is a band of the same name that is named after this character. They're classed as math core and are second headliners on the Friday night at trees.

Other than that my week was very dull indeed.

Juliet, I have done that exact same experiment. Our guinea pig ilium got all broken when we did it.
Hey Harry, just proof I read your blogs.