First though, a quick rundown. This week was pretty rad, I went to this Islamic cultural appreciation event and saw a Qawwali band and got free curry which was sick. Nobody even caught us drinking JD and coke in an Islamic event - Bi-winning. Monday I went to the St. Piran's Day celebration at my union bar and jammed with this awesome Cornish folk band who were SIIIIICKKKK and really hard to keep up with. Last night I went to the pub which was fairly uneventful, just a quiet drink with friends but nice all the same. I honestly can't think of anything I've done this week during the day besides play 007: Nightfire and pick my 3rd year modules (The Ku Klux Klan module looks awesome). But yeah, that's it. It's a beautiful day outside in Falmouth today so I'll be going for a bike ride when this blogs over.
On with the challenge (this is going to make me homesick):
In order of blogging days -
DAVIDDavid is my oldest friend from kittens and probably the oldest of all my friends today so choosing a photo would be difficult. David already used the one of us playing songs at Lydiard which I would have picked first. I wish I had a photo of the night we played Oh Mandy at Kate's house (it was Kate's house, right?) and it was awesome. Even though me and David could rock it out from time to time, I've chosen this photo from Trees 2011. We were trying to fit a gas canister which definitely shouldn't have fit onto my camp stove while being pretty drunk, the propane sprayed all in my eyes and on David and it almost broke our fingers but David stuck to it by my side and got that goddam gas canister on despite the fact that it was blatantly not sensible. That's why David is such a friend and a true true bro - he will always have your back.


TOM (I'm counting Tom in this)


Well, this has made me sufficiently nostalgic and homesick. I'm going now.
EDIT: I forgot a song: