Thursday, 29 March 2012

Early mongoose catches the snake

I still maintain that it's the morning until 3pm.

Today is going to be mental, I have literally finished all my work for the term - it feels wierd and I don't know what to do with myself (except go and hand in, obviously)

I have a coffee in hand, listening to the blues, I've shaved and showered and sat in the sun on the doorstep - all the signs that I'm in a very good mood today. Maybe I'll go to the beach or take the ferry somewhere, I don't know. I left myself a few days here after hand ins to pack and stuff so I'll be back on Sunday, it's starting to feel like overkill now cause I want to be on my way back to Swindon.

Will, I also got something for you this week:

I'm gonna say i'll finish this later but I probably won't.

See you all in three days for the Vic karaoke grand finale :)

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Edinburgh is so sunny.

It's been properly gorgeous the last week.
I mean, shorts, t-shirts, sun cream, BBQ style gorgeous.

Will, I got you this:

Hmm. Some catching up to do.
Went to Belfast for St Paddy's with Pete and Oonagh.

This is us.
It was wonderful. We drank lots and saw lovely things.

Did other various nice things during the week.
Had a test, did an essay.

Jon came up with Drew on Monday.
Jon played guitar at the songwriters night at Ale House, and then we took them to Hive. I think it was Videogame night as they were played Pokemon / Tombraider / Sonic / etcc on the big screen, and there were little pixelated Mario's everywhere.

It's been nice.

Now, I shall continue this later with challenge responses and etc

Monday, 26 March 2012

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Actual blog #186

I think the blogger counter thing includes the drafts that never got used. By my reckoning we still have fourteen to go until we hit the big milestone.

Hi Mongooses (Mongeese?)

Right now I am hungry, but never fear; I am having a delicious home cooked roast which I don’t have to do anything in order for it to be made. That’s right motherfuckers. I am home.

So I have had a pretty pleasant day today. I went to Wembley to watch Swindon play in the Johnston’s Paint Trophy final. Swindon lost and to tell the truth, they were pretty bad at football. They have been doing really well up until now so I can’t complain too much. I had a nice day as well so that was good. I also saw David from a distance, we waved at each other, it was cool. The stadium is right by where Wembley Arena is. I will be going there in a little over two weeks to see Frank Turner. I am still incredibly excited. OH and in other exciting music news, the night before Frank David, Kate and I are going to see Ben Marwood, Jim Lockey and the Solemn Sun and Crazy Arm along with a super secret special guest. I love all of those bands so much. Ah, why is this happening over 2 weeks away?

Being at home is pretty sweet to be honest. I like not really having to do things in order to stay alive. That’s really the biggest short fall in living alone. Cooking and cleaning and washing are just a big old ball ache which I never seem to have enough time to do.

My last week of uni term was tiring and little else. I stayed up until 3 writing essay on Monday, then had lectures at 9 every day of the week. It was also housemate Andy’s birthday. We made him a giant cookie instead of a cake and went out and got drunk. He was hammered so we ran away and left him with his girlfriend. I got some free chips and curry sauce from Jason’s Donnervan on the way home. On Friday my mum came to pick me up because she is lovely. We had lunch in Jamie Oliver’s restaurant and I had pasta with crab in it. Harry is quite right, crab is delicious.

I am so enjoying this recent sunny weather. I hope it goes on for ever. It is making me want to play cricket. Also hang out in Lydiard or something with you.

Hey remember when I said one of the things I was going to do this year was get fit? Yeah me neither really. Well I am actually going to start doing that this Easter. I have been meaning to start going running for a long time, it is a bit scary at uni though because I live on quite a busy road with people all around and I am horribly unfit so would be horribly out of breath the whole time and I don’t think I would enjoy that happening, especially with lots of people about. Living in the middle of nowhere is good in this respect, I can go running and no one will even see me. So yeah, by this time next week I will have gone running at least three times. And that right there is a promise that I will not break!

Yesterday it was all nice and sunny so I decided to play with my camera a bit. I set it up on a tripod by the birdfeeder thing in the garden and used the remote control it came with to try and take cool pictures of birds. The trouble was, because the remote was free, it was rubbish and you had to be really close to the camera for it to work, pretty much negating its use. With me trying to hide in the bushes, the birds were too afraid and to go anywhere near the camera most of the time. Here is the best picture I took. I have ordered a new remote of the internet that works from miles away so I’m going to try again this week.

I have to start revision this week which is not a fun prospect. It should be ok though because I have a whole month to learn 8 weeks’ worth of work. So yay, learning I guess.

David, I haven’t given your challenge much thought I am afraid and I really can’t think of something I like that is embarrassing and you guys don’t know about. I love cricket, but you all know that, also it is nothing to be ashamed of. I’ll try think of stuff this week. Also, the poetry was beautiful.

I’m going to see lots of you soon I hope. I can not wait.

Oh and hey, I just found where I saved funny pictures before I had a blog pictures folder.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Blog #199

Here's my song

I've watched all of the star wars prequels the past few days, the pain inside was rage in my soul, and that only leads to the dark side. I told myself I was training myself in the ways of the force by controlling my emotions but about halfway through the third film I became one with the force as I realised pride had clouded my judgement and had to go do something else. Star Wars has taught me so much, even the shitty ones.

It's been a pretty quiet week here in Falmouth, its been mostly just work and sleep and tings. Like everyone else, I've comletely run out of money so I'm surviving for the rest of the term on my cans of soup and ready noodles (just a week can't be that bad for me, right?) Two more essays to write and then it'll be HOLIDAY TIME! Seriously can't wait for this term break, it couldn't come soon enough. I made a list of things I'm going to do when I get back which made me think of a challenge: what are you looking forward to most about coming home to Swindon? I'm setting a limit of three cause I know how exciting Swindon is, people are likely to get carried away.
Mine are:
  • Seeing the kittens again and thoroughly catching up with everyone
  • Sleeping in a double bed
  • Having dinner cooked for me

DAVID'S CHALLENGE (Something you like that nobody knows about):

I really like telling pointless lies to strangers I'll never see again on the train. It's such a fun hobby cause you have unlimited freedom and creative control, just don't get caught out or you will look like a tool. The trip between Falmouth and Swindon has really put my stamina to the test cause you can sit next to somebody and literally be stuck with them for 5 hours so whatever I say has to have some sort of continuity. I've told someone that I was going to Edinburgh to visit my fiance (that one followed a lot of difficult questions), I was moving house bit by bit by train from Looe to Exeter, I was going on an exchange trip to Spain etc. etc. After a while, I got quite good at it but there was one time where I fell down cause I told somebody I was a massive Simply Red fan and they were all like 'Really? Me too! What's your favourite album!?' Shit.

So that's my unknown interest, it's pretty embarrassing but it makes the time pass quicker.

For the record David, I don't think poetry is anything to be embarrassed by. I used to really like reading poetry but I haven't done it in ages, some of the best poetry I've ever found has been spoken word online (Anis Mojgani is my favourite). I'd never heard of Buddy Wakefield or Rudy Francisco till I read your blog so thanks.


I made a pie which looked just like Finn from Adventure Time, I took a photo on my phone but it turns out I don't have the cable here with me. So I made you this on paint to illustrate what it looked like.

This is why my blog is late.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't blog last week, I don't have muuuch of an excuse except I didn't have anything particularly good to write about except for my week and that wouldn't have made much of a blog.


I have watched a lot of films including Inglorious Basterds, Goon, American Pie, Mulan, Pleasantville, Carnage, Jon Carter, and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Kate has been in London and I foolishly went back to canterbury with her. We went to the biggest cinema screen in the UK and it was so big but it didn't make Jon Carter any better. I went to a cool funk club callled Madame Jojos and supposidley the DJ was really famous, there was a crazy house party where I observed so many illicet things and a ruby tuesdays night at kates which was good. Today I finished and handed in my last lab report of the year which is just great news, I'm pretty happy about that but now it's pretty much revision time and that sucks.

I have a 7 week easter holiday guys, and what?

I decided what I'm going to blog about but I've decided to turn it into a question for everyone which might be a bit contrived and you may well not be able to answer it. (words..)


I like poems guys, lots. I like them so much Kate bought me a book of poems (no homo) for christmas last year.

This is my favourite one but it's really sad

If you like that you should also listen to Derrick Brown, Anis Mojgani, Sarah Kay, Phillip Kaye, and Rudy Francisco. If you don't like that then congratulations, you're more of a man than me
I'm only a little bit embarassed (I kid I'm very embarassed) infact I'm going to stop the blog right now.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Stuff and junk

I am currently listening to rainymood and some website that streams piano music. It sounds so good. I feel like I should be staring sadly out of a window whilst smoking a cigarette. Also everything should be in black and white.

I really don’t have a clue what to write about this week. Like not a clue. Usually I have some idea but yeah, not today.

I am pretty much counting down the days until Easter now and that’s about it. I am finding it hard to get motivated to do any work which is just silly when I think about it. I know at Easter I will have to revise loads and I know the more work I do now, the less revision will suck. But I think I have just got it set in my mind that Easter is for working and so I don’t need to do any now. I don’t know.

I watched Varsity football on Monday where Bristol played UWE. It was at a proper stadium and everything and there were over 2000 people watching which was pretty awesome. Housemate Dan is Bristol’s right back so that was pretty cool to see him play. Bristol won 3-2 because we are better than UWE at everything, EVEN SPORTS!

I think I’m done with my 5000 word essay. I sent the final draft to my tutor to look at on Thursday. It is due on Tuesday so I really hope I don’t get it back tomorrow with loads of things that need changing and have to try and do them all tomorrow night. That would suck. However it seems to me that it is part of the uni experience to do all-nighters. I have yet to experience the joy of working all night and perhaps it is something I should go through, I guess I have just been too damn organised thus far.

Having been really good at going to lectures for all of this term, I did so badly this past week. Thursday I skipped my practical because it looked boring. Friday I has dreadfully hungover and so missed all four of my lectures. So yeah, that happened.

Oh yeah so Thursday I did semi interesting stuff I guess. It was itchy feet which is always fun. There was a skiffle band that had a guy who played the washboard and he had crazy crazy eyes! You can listen to their music here, they are really quite good. I saw Joanne there and that was nice too. I was really drunk and just had a generally fun time. Here is us being there, the girl in the middle is Rachel, she is going to live with us next year.

This time next week I shall be on my way back from Wembley. I am going to see Swindon play in the Johnstone’s Paint Trophy final. I am pretty excited about that.

Again Joe, I have failed to complete your challenge. The nicest thing I ate this week was probably the pasta bake I made on Tuesday, but I feel that this wouldn’t hold up in a cooking competition as it is so incredibly easy to do, I would barely class it as cooking at all. I also ate a lot of pizza and chicken dippers and the like as I was out in the evenings a fair bit and couldn’t be assed to do real cooking. I won’t make any promises but I will try again this week.

I will leave you with this. David, I hear you love dolphins. Quite frankly, you are a monster.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


I even asked Dickie if I could borrow his camera, and we got so close but then forgot.

But yeahh.
Haven't been around to do awesome cooking, but I did make an entire box of Rice Krispies worth of cakes. (Marshmallow not chocolate.)
OH, and I realised I addressed an answer to Jon when really it was Kerry who asked the question.
Somehow managed to get your two blogs confused last week...

My week.

Thursday got free tea and coffee in my tutorial on account of us stealing it from the conference people who'd been using the room before us.

Friday, best Animal Biology practical EVER.
First we watched Inside Nature's Giants with the whale.
Then we went through to the lab which was filled with different animal skeletons - mostly skulls and limbs but we had an entire horse, and a kangaroo, and a rabbit, and some bats. Skull wise we had a wolf, an elephant, a hippo, a dolphin, a walrus, a platypus AND SO MUCH MORE AWESOME SHIT.
Essentially just got to play.
Accidentally made a dirty joke about a whale's penis in front of my lecturer.

Was supposed to go to Newcastle in the eve.
I walked to the station - with half an hour before my train left, realised I'd forgotten my railcard, ran home, couldn't find said railcard and missed my train.
Instead drank two bottles of wine, (one whilst sitting on my bedroom floor, another at Sarah A's with Georgie, Zulfi + friends.) Went to Teviot with Georgie to meet people, managed to throw a pint on the ground before I paid for it, and eventually ended up asleep on the toilet floor.
Woke up in my bed, under the covers but still wearing my shoes and scarf.

Saturday made it to Newcastle for party fun times with Cath.

Had to run for my train on Sunday, due to nachos and cider based delay at Wetherspoons.
Bumped into Pete on said train, who was on his way back from Birmingham. (Visiting new two-week old half-brother.)

Monday was uneventful.

Tuesday was also. Other than making Rice Krispie cakes, and watching half of the first Lord of the Rings before we all gave up because FUCK TWO DISC EXTENDED VERSION.

Today was nice.
Had lunch at The Engine Shed with Dickie, Charlotte, John and Pete. Such a lovely place.
It's run as a training project for people with learning difficulties to get them work experience. Plus it's cheap, yummy and vegetarian.
Then we bummed round Homebase and mocked paint colours. Ended up at the flat with John and Dickie watching old Pokemon episodes.

Shall probably sleep the rest of the day. Knackered, and skint after having to buy a new train ticket to Newcastle which was almost £50, despite my original return journey only costing about £25.
OH. And btw, my railcard was in my purse all along.
Worst day ever. song has been in my head all weekend and I feel its only right you guys suffer the same way.

So, I haven’t blogged in a while, sorry. In truth I haven’t really done much anyways, partly because I’m poor but mainly because I’m lazy so you didn’t really miss out.

This week, however was quite exciting, Liberals came to town and most importantly Juliet visited! We had this awesome idea that I would steal Lily’s camera and we’d do like a joint photo blog of the weekend but then I was hung over and forgot to take the camera to the station and then I gave up.

Everything was quite awesome though, first I had to go to a party for baby liberals and I smoked a lot. We took them into town and let them marvel at the cheap trebles and then I met up with uni friends tore lamp shades off the ceiling in digital and wore them for hats-no one seemed to mind. Then I got Juliet we ate pizza, watched the buffy musical episode stole some anti-libdem protest signs and went to the Congo Natty gig in town where we met a man called stairman Joe and everything was very exciting until I started to think I could talk to people with my mind and everyone went sleepy so we went home. That was pretty much the highlights. Also I found out I’m probably getting my loan through in like 10 days which means I get£3000 all at once. I’m definitely going to have a money party.

Picture-wise my favourite picture of me and Tom is this.

It’s from forever ago but I like to think this is how our souls look when we’re together. Also I really used to like that red hat, it made my brain feel safe. Whatever happened to the red hat?

This picture of me and Josh singing our hearts out is pretty awesome too, although its kind of a copy of the picture he used.

My actual favourite picture to remind me of Josh is probably this one. Now I know it’s not actually got Josh in it but it is a picture of the day we made spaghetti with sweets like in elf, which I still maintain was an awesome idea despite the soul crushingly disappointing result of the experiment. It totally reminds me of when I used to skip college and hang at Josh’s which I loved despite the detrimental effect it probably had on my education (sorry I ruined your chemistry results man).

Will, we have like no photos together but it would probably be this one.

It was the first trees I went to, and I was incredibly broken and we all lay in the grass (accidently forming the shape of a swastika for a while) and I was basically off my tits on happy. I’m pretty sure Johnney Flynn played right after this as well

For David I was going to photo-shop our heads onto a seminal moment in history, because we don’t have that many photo’s which propel reflect our awesomeness but I can’t photo-shop so I went with this one because although I’m barely in it I’m pretty sure it was before one of Tommy’s parties which was one of the first times I started hanging out with you guys properly and we got really drunk and it was awesome and I heard David play alive with the glory of love for the first time and sort of decided I should hang out with you guys more.

Me and Juliet have like a zillion pictures so I had trouble choosing but I went with this one.

It’s from latitude which was one of the best weekends ever and it was the morning after we had discovered the secret stage where feeling gloomy were playing. We were given the t-shirts by one of the DJs and ended up spending most of the rest of the festival singing by the piano in the woods, twas epic.

PS sorry it was late, uni internet was being all gay

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Nostalgia and that

Ok guys, blog time.

I’m sorry Joe, no delicious food for you this week; I did make a pretty tasty looking sausage and mash but forgot to take a picture. I’ll see what I can do this week.

So Juliet’s challenge. This is going to be a little tricky as you guys have already gone and taken all the best ones. There were plenty of awesome memories that looking through all the photos reminded me of. I’ll go in order of blog days.

David, you are spot on, trees was a big deal in our friendship I would say. We hung out quite a lot but mainly just at college before that. A large part of this was due to not being able to drive so I think passing my test a few weeks after also had a large part to play. So yeah, that summer was when we started hanging out for real and I’m so happy we did. Anyway, the challenge. I have two photos for you, firstly the world’s most giant bartenders. This photo reminds me of chemistry which was probably the first place we ever met when we were the world’s most tiny chemists. It also just reminds me of all the fun times we have had doing silly things. Secondly I have this Somerford picture. It was from the great summer of ’10 which was pretty fucking great, so yeah, sums that up nicely I think.

 Juliet, yours is easily one of the best pictures I have had the good fortune to be in, great choice. For you I have this beauty from our adventure to the beach. It was just a glorious day and we swam in the sea and had a picnic. I can think of few more perfect days I have ever had.

Cath, for you I have two photos. Firstly there is this. I can’t really remember the occasion but I do remember eating this burger and it was delicious. Secondly I have this. I think it was taken at the Wheaty and it is just a really lovely photo.

Josh, I have this for you. It was on the same occasion as David’s photo for you. Lydiard is just such a nice place and that day sitting there in the sun listening to you and David sing was the perfect way to nurse my horrible hangover. 

Finally, Tom. I have very few good pictures with you and me in. This is probably due to the fact that you are almost always the man behind the camera. I am so unbelievably grateful for this, having photos of all the awesome things we’ve done together is amazing and I am so happy we will have these memories forever thanks to you. I will try my best to get as many photos of you as possible this summer. This photo of us is from a night at Jo’s house. It was just a generally really nice night made all the better by your presence.

This has been my favourite challenge so far.

My week has really been very uneventful again. I learnt more about brains, watched my friends band last night (they were pretty good), worked some more on my big essay (I am pretty much done now :)).

Tomorrow I am going to varsity football. My friend Dan has been promoted to first team right back which is pretty exciting. The match is at Bristol Rover’s stadium and usually a few thousand people go watch so it is a pretty big deal. Apparently UWE are better than us, but still, should be quite fun.

Harry, I think you were just unlucky with your experiences of Bristol folk. In general I would say they are a pretty friendly bunch, especially with the accent, it is very hard not to sound friendly with one.

Yesterday in the post I got this. It was my birthday present from Kerry and Matt (that’s right, they do joint presents now). Is it the first official piece of kittens merch?

Only 2 weeks until Easter now and that is really excellent news. I have had enough of uni for now.


Thursday, 8 March 2012


Joe. This wasn't my planned delicious meal, but it came out pretty awesome so I thought I'd post it.
Roast carrots and onions with peas, sausages (Quorn for me), gravy and BADASS HOME MADE YORKSHIRE PUDDINGS.
I am officially the lord of Yorkshire puddings.
Don't know if you can tell, but each one is approximately the same size as the measuring jug in the background.

We used Owen's as the example meal.

In response to your question Jon (on Pizza Police. Presumably expressed to PoPo exclusively, but whatevs.) - I do tell people about the Mongooses. Mainly because they'll be in the room whilst I'm blogging, or find it when they're creeping on my laptop.

Sorry for posting out of days. I shall update this with more deliciousness if I make any.

My feet smell like popcorn

I'm really excited by all this photo blogging. I need to find someone with a camera I can borrow so I can do one next week but for now I'll try Juliet's challenge

First though, a quick rundown. This week was pretty rad, I went to this Islamic cultural appreciation event and saw a Qawwali band and got free curry which was sick. Nobody even caught us drinking JD and coke in an Islamic event - Bi-winning. Monday I went to the St. Piran's Day celebration at my union bar and jammed with this awesome Cornish folk band who were SIIIIICKKKK and really hard to keep up with. Last night I went to the pub which was fairly uneventful, just a quiet drink with friends but nice all the same. I honestly can't think of anything I've done this week during the day besides play 007: Nightfire and pick my 3rd year modules (The Ku Klux Klan module looks awesome). But yeah, that's it. It's a beautiful day outside in Falmouth today so I'll be going for a bike ride when this blogs over.

On with the challenge (this is going to make me homesick):

In order of blogging days -

David is my oldest friend from kittens and probably the oldest of all my friends today so choosing a photo would be difficult. David already used the one of us playing songs at Lydiard which I would have picked first. I wish I had a photo of the night we played Oh Mandy at Kate's house (it was Kate's house, right?) and it was awesome. Even though me and David could rock it out from time to time, I've chosen this photo from Trees 2011. We were trying to fit a gas canister which definitely shouldn't have fit onto my camp stove while being pretty drunk, the propane sprayed all in my eyes and on David and it almost broke our fingers but David stuck to it by my side and got that goddam gas canister on despite the fact that it was blatantly not sensible. That's why David is such a friend and a true true bro - he will always have your back.

This photo was taken in revolution a couple of summers ago and I'm pretty sure this was us singing 'sex on fire'. I couldn't really find a photo that sums me and Cath up better than this but if there was one of us in Chemistry class at College then I would totally use that because it was the first time I really started hanging out with Cath, she made chemistry fun (an impossible task) and drove us places when we decided to skip class and took a lot of Paul's heat off of me. Ever since Chemistry, I have considered Cath one of my best friends.

Going home on Thursdays between college classes to eat food and watch films will always be the defining times for me and Juliet in my mind - I think that year we really became friends. And like Juliet said, that time we got pissed on Aspall, went shopping and watched Mouse Hunt so hard it made us 20 minutes late for uni was fucking brilliant. I was going to use a photo of us in London when we stayed at Juliet's Dad's flat because he likes me more than her but I could just remind you of that here instead: Hey Juliet! Nick loves me more than you :)

TOM (I'm counting Tom in this)

This one is from London, the first time I really hung out with Tom besides seeing him on the Commonweal playing field. This guy was crazy and I swear he almost fell on Tom which was pretty fun. Tom's a real bro and its weird trying to think back to the first time we hung out, it seems like a really long time now.

This is easily my photo for me and Will a) because its awesome and b) because it reminds me of all the times in the summer in Will's car. Like Juliet said before, I think the summer before uni was the best one ever and I owe a lot of it to Will, it was also about this time when I got to know Will properly and I've never looked back.

Well, this has made me sufficiently nostalgic and homesick. I'm going now.

EDIT: I forgot a song:

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Boo. You whore.

I reminded you that morning. I am ashamed.

Will - I assume you didn't sufficiently wash the neurotransmitter from your ileum between doses.
Rookie mistake.

I've yet to cook, but when I do it shall be marvellous and I shall update this to show you.
I love this challenge.
I love cooking.

My week.
Thursday - after blogging I did not go to the art show, but I did go to Folk Night at the Ale House, then to Martha's and then to Silk. After it closed I went to the swings with Georgie and some random guy. I think he was Bosnian? Bolivian? I dunno but he followed me home, and I was drunk enough to believe this was a normal thing.
Luckily Owen emerged from his room and scared him away.

This is us at Silk.
(Me, Caoilfhionn, Georgie, Martha and Meriel.)
Additional challenge - guess how to pronounce Caoilfhionn.

I also made brownies and took them to the pub.

Friday I skipped my morning, turned up for a practical and played with various Molluscs.
Later another one of Owen's friends arrived. We made two HUGE lasagnes, played many drinking games and then went to HMV Picturehouse.
It was a very sad night, as vodka + mixer is £1.20. And I foolishly ordered a gin and tonic which was £5. Broke my heart it did.
I bought a round of Jagerbombs for me, Owen + his friends (Michael and Andrew), then attempted to buy a couple of drinks for me and Sam, but ran out of money and had to get her to pay for them.

This is use at Picturehouse.
Adam, Richard, Me, Owen, Sam, Charlotte, (Medic) Michael, Pete, Andrew and (Irish) Michael.

Saturday me, Richard and Pete had the longest game of Wizard ever. In which I lost horrifically, and me and Richard bullied Pete until he stormed out in the last round.
Afterwards we played lots of poker, in which I think I came second.
I spent the eve at Georgie's with Sarah C. We drank red wine, ate hummus, watched films and did generally nice things until 4am when we all fell asleep watching Chicago.

Sunday was a day of rest. Me and Harry saw American Beauty at FilmSoc.

Monday I discovered Peerwise. It's a thing we have to use in one of our courses.
People post questions. People answer and rate them. Etc.
But it comes with badges. And hence I have been tricked into learning. It's like getting achievements in games. For one badge you had to answer 20 questions correct in a row, AND BY GOD I DID.

Tuesday ordered in lovely curry with Fat Man and watched Megamind at Charlotte's of an eve.

Today me and Richard watched Sarah A play Lacrosse, if only to understand what a Lacrosse match looks like.
SO FRICKING COLD. But good fun. We had coffee after and then I had a practical.


David stole my picture. Because David is a willy. And I love that picture so God damn much.
My leaving pub-crawl was gorgeous. Really made me realise how much I loved all you guys, and how much fun I'd had living in Swindon.

For me and Cath.

An unflattering photo, because we are both dying. It was taken on the way to the Debating Matters final. I had just vomited in the train toilets.
The night before was the darkest of nights. Croft. Vodka. Flushing.
Terrible times.
But so beautiful. A perfect representation of me and Cath being terrible people. All the nights at Croft making bonfires. And debate team, when we sneaked out and listened to Blur, stayed all night in Nathan's bed and Mohit taught us of his father's pillow.

For Josh.

We can pretend Cath's not in it.
Tried hard to find a better picture of this night, because it was a good'un.
For most of it I was wearing Josh's shirt and a back to front hat pretending to be Luke Danes, whilst Josh wore his coat and pretended to be Christopher. Naturally, there was fighting.
It reminds me of going to Josh's during lunch and watching Gilmore Girls and cooking pasta and arriving half an hour late to classes because we were watching Mouse Hunt, which we'd only bought in the first place because we'd gone to town drunk the day before after drinking all my cider whilst watching the Producers.

For Will.

OH YES. An absolute king of photos.
This is us, taken by JP, behind the counter of Mr Cod, Will on the phone to the police.
First night out in Swindon after I first went to Uni. This is in the Christmas Hols.
There were carols in the Wheatie, free mince pies, presents, a brawl in Mr Cod.
One of my favourite nights. Had THE BEST time at the pub, seeing everyone again and then just classic mental Swindon.


Although you stole my photo. This is us at the beach, and a reminder of the awesomeness of our last summer before Uni.
Trees, Somerford Keynes, Y Not, the beach, and all the other nights at the pub, nights out, nights at our friends.
We really made the most of it and had the best farewell.
David really has been in the majority of my Swindon memories, and probably made up some of the best of them.

Because Tom will always live in the heart of us mongooses.

Dancing in the kitchen on my seventeenth birthday, when he bought me a caterpillar cake and surrounded it with fudge and soft mints because they were my favourite things.
And all the times when we went back to mine after the pub, and would dance in the kitchen to Muse, or cuddle and watch TV. And when he broke my broom trying to pogo and bought me a pretty new one.

To finish off, the original Fighting Mongooses.

My last night out in Swindon.
I feel we should photoshop Will into this.

Prize for anyone who finds a group shot of the six of us.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Hey guys how are you I'm good thanks yeah same old really that's nice.

This week has been cool, Tuesday was Chris' birthday and we all skipped lectures and played videogames and then in the evening some people came over and we drank and ended the night on this website so all in all it couldn't have been much better. Wednesday kate went home (booo) and I went out with CHOIR for a real cheap meal in notting hill and I also walked down the road of fanciest oh good god houses I've ever seen. Thursday me and Joe (housemate) played conckers bad fur day on the N64 and it was badass. Friday I don't want to talk about. Saturday it was Chris' birthday party and I drank so much wine and generally embarrassed myself left right and centre which was great. Sunday I was hungover.

I will now commence with Juliets challenge.

I have 2 pictures with Will which I want to use:

This first picture doesn't really have much significane to mine and Will's friendship, it's just my favourite picture of the two of us ever. This was taken on Kate's 19th birthday party, I had spilt beer on the ceiling and then Will had told everyone he could fit the mesh from Kate's gin bottle over his head.

This second picture is from the first 2000 trees, that was one of the best weekends of my life and I'd say it was definitely a game changer in our friendship. We were friends before yeah but this weekend/ that summer were really where we became bezzies (though I might be miss-remembering, Will?)


Juliet there are too many awesome photos of us but I'ma chose this one

This is from Juliet's last night in Swindon before she left for uni (as I'm sure everyone remembers), Juliet and I have been enemys/friends for the longest time and her leaving swindon was pretty much the saddest thing so I smiled in all the pictures that night. It was good.


This picture is from St Patricks day 2009, making Cath and I 17 and 16 respectively. As was typical for younger us, in this picture we are wasted. This pictures main significance is just that, for the longest time Cath and I were destroying ourselves buddies, and I shit you not when I tell you her hugs can save the lowest of low highs (if that makes sense) ALSO that night we played guitar/bass and jon keating was there! How fun.


Back ye oldie Swindon days josh (who happens to be my oldest friend in kittens) and I sometimes would get together to play some music and have a good old sing song and I personally think we sounded fucking sick when we did it I'm not gunna lie. We should probably do this a lot more this summer because it was great. This picture is of us rocking out in lydiard park the day after that party at kates house where we got really baked and oskar passed out and that was a really good time.

I'm also going to do a picture for tom because why not

Tom is the best bro a bro could ever bro for.

Juliet this challenge made me horribley nostalgic i hope you know that
Sorry I'm so gay everyone!

Love David

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Photo blogging like a good friend.

David, I loved your blog a lot so here is my attempt. I decided I would give you a blog of Friday seeing as my Sunday's are always uneventful. Here goes.

I woke up at 7:45. I was all tired because I went to see some opera (Carmen if you're interested) the night before and we went out for drinks after with our friend who was in it.

After a quick shower I felt much more awake.

Due to my tiredness, I was up far too late for breakfast so had to go without. I left the house to walk to lectures at about 8:50 which is pretty much the latest you can leave and still be on time.

My first lecture was in the physics building for some bizarre reason and as I was late so had to sit right at the front making it too difficult to take a picture. The lecture was on nerves or something.

After the lecture I had an hour break so decided to go to the med sciences library and do some work. I also had a coffee.

My next lecture was at 11 and was strokes; this was to become a theme of the morning. It was actually pretty interesting.

I had another lecture in the same lecture theatre straight after covering almost identical material which was quite annoying. The lecturer also started 10 minutes early and then got mad at people who turned up "late".

At 1 o'clock I was done for the day. I walked to Sainsbury's to get food supplies for the weekend as documented by the following photos.

When I got home I consumed the soup I had bought for lunch. It was winter vegetable flavour and delicious.

I then played Skyrim for a while, who knows how long. This is my character. As you can see, he's a total badass.

I then went on reddit and talked to Frank Turner because I am cool. I also talked to some 2000trees redditors who seemed nice.

I had fish and chips for tea. We got them in a shop called Fishminster and it does the best fish and chips in all the land. They came in a box that looked like newspaper. I was going to post a picture of the actual meal but then I ate it all.

That concludes the photo taking part of the day, but for the rest of the evening I watched LA Confidential. It is a really good film but I didn't pay enough attention to it so Dan had to keep explaining to me what was going on. Interestingly, the film is where the name Rolo Tomassi comes from. There is a band of the same name that is named after this character. They're classed as math core and are second headliners on the Friday night at trees.

Other than that my week was very dull indeed.

Juliet, I have done that exact same experiment. Our guinea pig ilium got all broken when we did it.
Hey Harry, just proof I read your blogs.