Hey how are you?
I'm fine thanks yeah.
My weeks been good, I didn't do much monday tuesday wednesday (I think I went out on monday but I can't say for sure) then I traveled back to london wednesday evening and saw my housemates and they were all pleasantly concerned about my wellbeing which was nice. On thursday I slept instead of going to lectures cause I'm an idiot and then on friday I went to my lectures and then went to Canterbury to see Kate, Canterbury is really nice you guys but also it was SO COLD all weekend i mean what the actual fuck. That night we weant to one of her many student bars called Mungos, it was in a halls and a lecture theatre which is weird but it was a cheesy music night which was fun, though my appendix hurt and I'm not good at dancing to cheesy music ESPECIALLY around people I have only met once before. The next day we went to see kate's pal Fae in a musical theatre showcase thing and she was a really good singer and it was good fun (though I did judge some of the singers a bit cause I'm a music snob) after that we went to a kitchen party and I got pretty drunk and had a good night though I did make enemys with some guys who were being all cunty to kate's german flatmate. Then on sunday we did a pub quiz and one of the rounds was on assassins and I fucking bossed it. After that we played pictionary and then went to kate's friend Sarah's room and had what they were calling a wiskey night which was awful but I got to play a nice ukulele so it was all good. Kate's friends are real nice which is cool, but Canterbury is really far from London.
Will I'm very impressed with your bone marrow thing, it's something I'm definitely going to look into when I get a chance to properly look at it. I hope being a doctor is going well this week and lungs arn't too gross.
Juliet why is your degree so dossy? I swear half of your term is study leave.
Josh, joshjoshjoshjosh
I don't know my favourite comedy I'm really sorry guys, I'll look hard over the next week and report back next time I swear.
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