I jest. It's actually Matt. Will's at Green Man seeing some bands I've never heard of and so has trusted me with the greatest honour a friend can give- writing words. Who knows how this could turn out?
Well probably not very well, beause after spilling water on my keyboard in a freak wind-blind-glass of water chain reaction, the c doesn't work. For those of you experiening the same problem, Alt 99 will do the trick but the chances of me remembering to do that are low.
So for many, myself included, last thursday was the first anniversary of their AS level results day, or for those of you in the know- A level results day. This, however, is only a minor detail in the much more interesting tale of my breakfast that day. After walking to college and back at shit o'clock in the morning with some mediocre A levels I went to the Old Town cafe for the first time EVER. I ordered the Famous Big Boy Platter, a meal with such a queer name that the only way to regain your pride is to eat all of it. It features two of basically every food you can imagine, including sausages, and being in a good mood the nice lady let me swap my eggs and tomato for MORE SAUSAGES giving me a total of 5 to go with my already painfuly large meal. Needless to say I destroyed that shit and even had room for complimentry gum afterwards. Then I had to stumble home and sleep it off for 4 hours. Best breakfast ever.
Guys who are at Green Man, I hope you have/had a great time.
Guys who are not, why aren't we hanging out right now?
Juliet, are you ever even fucking coming back from Edinburgh or can I have your stuff?