Saturday, 20 February 2010

Thursday's blog

Well, if Tom's gonna post his late I guess I will too :D
Long story short I was in lancishire seeing my racist grandma so I couldn't post.
Tuesday I went to oxford to see Nathan and totally pretended to be a mummy in the ashmolean museum and scared the crap out of this kid which was funny until his mum told me off and the museum curator told me I was being 'disrespectful' (I think he meant towards the egyptians but he didn't look egyptian so I didn't see what the fuss was) Basically i got no work done at all this week and have to sort my shit out tomorrow...

It was supposed to be a free house here tonight and I was gonna get you guys over here but my parents came back early :/, sorry.

This coming week I am enforcing photo blog week, if that's cool? Just to give us something to aim at

i got a second job
at the wheatsheaf
you can gasp now

My driving instructor keeps on telling me to go faster and faster and faster - he gets proper excited about it and every time I hit 50 I just think of that girl who diesd at 40 but's only permanently disfigured at 30. Then I have to slow down and he's like 'oh come on josh, you can go faster than that' - 'i don't want to kill the little girl' - 'what little girl?' - 'never mind, third exit here yeh?'

Driving's scary stuff guys