Old video may be old but nonetheless still the best kitten based video on YouTube and so say all of us.
What is this obsession with the new and the now?
Can't we take the time to enjoy again what we've enjoyed once before.
Guess what losers - Sabby's in Swindon! =D =D =D
We bought chocolate, and went to Wyvern (plenty of Chris Addison tickets left), and went to my house, and made pasta, and went to the Wheaty, and went to Marmaris.
Fun times abound.
I only just got up, so probably it's time to pancake.
Oh yeah, and last night pub people convinced me to 2000 Trees instead of Latitude.
Alas I mourn for Latitude but 2000 Trees will have all of you guys plus more and shall be amazing.
So, yes. Y Not, 2000 Trees - Summer '10 is shaping up to be pretty epic.
And Bloggers Come Dine With Me will happen.