Saturday, 27 February 2010

Friday, Wills Birthday!

Will's Birthday!!!

Well ok here it goes, i had the idea of posting photos of my daily routine of Fraday seeing as we are doing this photo blog thing so heres goes nothing and i warn you, its a long one but with loads of pictures mind :)

So i got up and it was a beautiful da, YUS!

Bacon Toasty, Breakfast of champs!

The Happy Gang with Birthday boy!

Driving hands free, Kerry gonna break things!

Hasta lavista baby!

Catapilla mother fucking cake!

Hmm, what a good looking question but i'm going to have to stop you there, for you see...

Hello thar Mr shadow!

The most cleanest and awesomest Pepsi can i've ever seen

A fine Smoke after a fine night, if i ever got it lighted

Late night Lurking


And so that concludes my photo blog post, now i'm fucking off for a week! Later Bitches!

Thursday, 25 February 2010

sorry no time bye.

just got home
pretty excited, just got the go ahead from my piano teacher for grade 8 :D
i will do a photo blog next week i promise, i have something picked out already, just need to finish it off
gotta dash though, recitals tonight. If anybody's bored and fancies wasting a couple of hours, get to new college at 7:30. It's really not that exciting though unless you're playing.

Tom: the 9's on my wall
David: you fooled me
Juliet: nice photo blog and well done for actually doing it :p
Cath: see you tomorrow

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Tuesday or Las Vegas.

So. A photo blog.

I suppose we are to take photos of ourselves.

I have chosen not to. Instead I shall illustrate my post with photos taken by loganart.

This morning I had a dream.

And at one point I was flying across this field.


On the way to college I killed a bird and ate its babies.


The end.

Monday, 22 February 2010



I'll do it next week properly properly guys, i promise
and i'm sorry my blogs have been super shit recently, blame kate.


Josh I can't believe you work at wheaty, you're such a jammy basterd.
Tom i love spending time with you
Juliet I'm glad you're festivaling, it's up to you to sort out come dine with me
Cath car crashes are no excuse to not blog, why you such a pussy?

I'm ridiculously excited about it, and lineup looks pretty awesome, though apparently no king blues, which SUCKS.
I've decided it's going to be the best thing ever, and i'm pretty sure everyone here now has their ticket(s)?

proper serious lots of work blog soon i promise
but for now


Saturday, 20 February 2010

Thursday's blog

Well, if Tom's gonna post his late I guess I will too :D
Long story short I was in lancishire seeing my racist grandma so I couldn't post.
Tuesday I went to oxford to see Nathan and totally pretended to be a mummy in the ashmolean museum and scared the crap out of this kid which was funny until his mum told me off and the museum curator told me I was being 'disrespectful' (I think he meant towards the egyptians but he didn't look egyptian so I didn't see what the fuss was) Basically i got no work done at all this week and have to sort my shit out tomorrow...

It was supposed to be a free house here tonight and I was gonna get you guys over here but my parents came back early :/, sorry.

This coming week I am enforcing photo blog week, if that's cool? Just to give us something to aim at

i got a second job
at the wheatsheaf
you can gasp now

My driving instructor keeps on telling me to go faster and faster and faster - he gets proper excited about it and every time I hit 50 I just think of that girl who diesd at 40 but's only permanently disfigured at 30. Then I have to slow down and he's like 'oh come on josh, you can go faster than that' - 'i don't want to kill the little girl' - 'what little girl?' - 'never mind, third exit here yeh?'

Driving's scary stuff guys

Fridays Blog

I know its late but i'm always doing stuff on a friday night. Well what can i say, its been one hell of a half term and i'm so behind on work that i should have been doing :P. I think that the real highlight of this week must have been on Friday night.

I cycled all the way to Jo's house in the freezing cold night to watch some Die Hard. But tonights Die Hard would later be renamed to Die Hardon by me and Sarah. Throughtout the whole film we spent the whole time giggling, making rude references and laughing at unintended innuendos. Some of these included "Is that what you want or shall i fire another load?!" "The choppers are comming!" "ggraagghh urghghgh" and so forth. At one point Sarah thought of a most erotic opening line for a porn film "I've come to fix your drains". I mean theres nothing i like more then having someone come and look at my stinky smelly drains, gets me right hard. Other then that i had to cycle home again in the freezing cold with Kate. Oh and cheers Kate, i love it when you make me walk through the mud :D. other then that, i'm so not looking forward to going back to college.

also check out this poster i made for it :D

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

For Tuesday.

Old video may be old but nonetheless still the best kitten based video on YouTube and so say all of us.
What is this obsession with the new and the now?
Can't we take the time to enjoy again what we've enjoyed once before.

Guess what losers - Sabby's in Swindon! =D =D =D
We bought chocolate, and went to Wyvern (plenty of Chris Addison tickets left), and went to my house, and made pasta, and went to the Wheaty, and went to Marmaris.
Fun times abound.

I only just got up, so probably it's time to pancake.

Oh yeah, and last night pub people convinced me to 2000 Trees instead of Latitude.
Alas I mourn for Latitude but 2000 Trees will have all of you guys plus more and shall be amazing.
So, yes. Y Not, 2000 Trees - Summer '10 is shaping up to be pretty epic.

And Bloggers Come Dine With Me will happen.

Monday, 15 February 2010


I wanted to do a proper blog but now I don't have time

so in tom's vain, poo

picture blog challenge thing next week i recon?

juliet i really liked your idea but it needs organising, also old video is old
cath why are you so gay?
josh they were pretty awesome words
tom get out of my life


Sunday, 14 February 2010



Thursday, 11 February 2010

blog #47

Juliet, I can't help notice you didn't blog this week, for shame

Before I say anything I want to agree with David, a theme is needed this week. But Jubs, I can't do come dine with me as I'm going to be away most nights next week, when's good for anybody else?
The dictionary

These are all really just words
But how about a photo blog? everybody has to write their blog with no words, only pictures. Be them doodles, photos or stuff taken from the internet. I'm easy

I am still up for this come dine with me thing but just not next week, sorry you guys

So yer, this week I've... joking

PS. I may have encouraged the stealing of the tumeric but at no point did I say 'Hey Cath, why don't you throw some curry spices in the birthday girl's face'!

Just saying

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

guess whos back back again, QUICK GUYS GET IN A CIRCLE

so long time no blog i hear rumours of a come dine with me style thingy, should be pretty awesome, not sure what to cook though........sandwiches anyone? So i keep listening to pulp again, happens biannually normally, should probably see someone about it. So I was challenged not to blog about politics by josh a while back which is a great loss to all of you since i had some very inciteful things to say about the iraq inquiry and majoritarial voting systems but there you go.
yeah so since i last blogged we went to beckys party and there were some really boring ridgeway kids there. I mean seriously its like they all gathered together and agreed to be as banile as humanly possible, but becky was there so it was awesome but then josh peer pressured me into a turmeric heist and it was all down hill from there, who knew spices would burn so. Then there was the other night which was quite cool although i mourn for my sleeping pattern, I dont understand how Molesterman was both a Thatcherite and a Frank Turner fan when we first met him. How does that happen, surely they are mutually exclusive, what genes in your brain make that possible? Did he sit at home while listening to campfire punkrock all the while dreaming of poll tax?!
So Im pretty much doing nothing atm....watching a bit of doctor who, all the cool kids are doing it. Should probably do my essay soon and maybe get this sunday off work.....soon

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Tuesday Me Up

I blogged last week, the week before last and now this week, so suck out if you're too [some insult or other] to notice.

Aaaanyway. Themes... well next week is half term so...
OMG I know! We could do Bloggers Come Dine With Me!
We each hold a dinner party on one day of half term and blog about the experience!
Oh yes, please please please!
It'll be epic.

As for life recently... psh I dunno.
Friday was good fun.
Sunday was my mum's birthday, dog ate one of the bars of soap from Lush we bought her and then vomited on my bed, due to this I am now sleeping on a mattress on the floor until I can be bothered to sort it out. (I've cleaned up the vomit - I just haven't got round to getting new bedding on the bed.)
Yesterday watched Red Dragon. Ralph Fiennes bit Philip Seymour Hoffman's mouth off then set him on fire. But it was all ok because Ed Norton stabbed him in the ass a bit later. (y)

So. Yah.

Here's the best kitten based video on youtube:

Monday, 8 February 2010

Every worry that your blogs are innane and boring to read?


Well Thomas, that was terribley heart warming, not gunna lie.

I think our blog weeks should have themes or something, I know this is an old boring idea but I figure y'all probs don't care what I did last wednesday... (Tom's house by the way, shit was so cash)

SO I challenge all of you to think of a theme for next week, because I dislike blogging about nothing and I'd like to have some form of structure.

Juliet and Cath, get out of my life.

Going to the pub later, I'm pretty excited



Sunday, 7 February 2010

Too busy partying this friday to blog so nows the time

i'm going to take you on a journey or hopfully try..

Life, the whole dancing, singing, cursing, destroying wonder of all time. How does one describe the euphoria that is so easy to shrug off and forget about when they are Surfing the net for videos, drinking copious amounts of brain shrinking alcohol or being in that one place they know they shouldn't be. But who said that we shouldn't be doing all the things that are frowned upon by others. Lets do these things and forget about the importance of life because its only when we are realising how beautiful life is, is when we should be partying, drinking or just making love.

Lets drink till we throw up because without boundrys we would be hopeless drinkers

Lets dance to that one song we like at a party, who cares if everyone thinks its embarressing, they're just jealous that you can enjoy life better

Lets hate on other people we hardly know because at the end of the day we are only human, Judgement is a wonder gift bestowed upon us

Lets eat as much junk food as we want, it tastes nice and makes us feel good about ourself

Lets forget about self consciousness, You are beautiful trust me

Lets do the things we are not told to do, Curiosity may have killed the cat but it sure as hell put man on the moon.

Lets fall asleep with eachother under the stars, nature's screensaver

Lets play all video games and with all consoles, people who hate other consoles are just jealous

Lets make friends with people we meet on the street, someday they could save your life

Lets turn down the lights and turn up the speakers

Lets live a messy life, We know where things are and thats all that matters

Lets do work when we feel like it

Lets always call the other option a better night, lets face it turning back time is impossible

Lets watch any programe on TV, it could actually be ok

Lets tidy this mess in the morning

Lets never complain about the season, you socialize in both winter and summer so quit your yabbing

Lets never be embarresed to ask a question, you only live once

Lets think about that person who we shouldn't, no one will know unless you say

Lets only tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth..sometimes

Lets hold hands, its not like we're having sex

Lets stop eating these chocolate santas, they're making me feel ill

Lets play chess and talk about life sometime

Lets remember the happy memories from our childhood, some of the best years of your life you can think about

Lets not haze other peoples views, unless they are fucking horrible

Lets do it

Lets laugh at what other people find funny, even if its not your cup of tea

Lets hate, but also Congratulate

Lets stereotype each other, not by age/sex/race but by how awesome they are

Lets be best friends forever

Lets not get depressed, there are people out there having a much worse day then us

Lets live days as if they were our last

But most importantly

Lets be best of friends forever

I'm Tom Foster, i love life and I love you guys :)

Thursday, 4 February 2010


Hey everyone, it's been a while
This week was a bit of a mixed bag.

Jo's on saturday was really great especially after a full day at Earles.
I feel pretty good that I didn't ditch Becky on her birthday (except Jo's was awesome)

David, nerd jokes are fun but I wish i'd taken maths
Tom, good to have you back
Cath, blog much?

Sorry i wasn't at the wheaty last night, I didn't get back to swindon until 10 when my train was due in at 8. Apparently there was some horrific crash or something? I dunno. Plus it was cold. And i'm a loser.

Portsmouth is officially my insurance offer :D

I've been job hunting this week pretty much every day
I managed to give my nuber to every bar, resteraunt and pub in swindon.
It all started on tuesday....

Tuesday I got home and started getting dressed for this job interview at Nationwide. I figured smart-casual, right? Trousers and casual shirt - people love that.
Well, on the way out of the house I hear my mum shriek
-You're not wearing that to your interview are you?
-Well, that was the plan
-You have to wear a tie
-No, surely not
-Yes you do. And a smart shirt. And tuck it in. And that nice jacket you have
-Mum, they know I'm a teenager, it says so on the CV
-Wear smart clothes
-This is fine mum

Then she dropped the bombshell

'Wear a suit or you're not allowed out of the house'

Oh come on

So there I was, walking through town

In a suit

I have never sweat so much

I get to Nationwide 'Sorry I'm a bit early' - I was late
After a lot of debating over whether or not I was booked for an interview this woman realised it wasn't an interview I was after (they said interview on the phone) but an aptitude test.

So I'm lead to this room filled with teenagers filling out forms

And yes

There were jeans

There were tracksuits

There were jumpers

There were even T-shirts WITH WRITING ON

And some dickhead in a suit who must have thought this was a job interview or something

I'm given a form

'Five minutes'

Panic settles in, I look at the form - subheadings like 'visual test' 'numeracy test' and then the dreaded 'financial knowledge' throw me.

After the first few questions though I began to relax - who cares if I'm wearing a suit? At least I'm not the only one wearing jeans and everybody else is in a suit, right? I could have just been anywhere, talking to any amount of important reputable people, right? My mind had wondered, what's going on?! Oh, I'm finished. I hand the clipboard back to the woman.

Looking over her shoulders I saw ticks of approval as she skimmed my rushed answers:





that wasn't good

she tapped at the clipboard
then everything fell apart, my soul started letting in wind, my throat collapsed on itself. I knew somehow that this was over

She somehow managed a smile

'Joshua, first of all, this is really good. A great description of a debit card. The dictionary couldn't have done better, the thing is, we were looking for the definition of credit card- you see there, it says credit card?'

'Ah yes, th- that does ss- say cred it card. I do kno- Ask me what a credit card is'

I'm sorry, but you'll have to come back in a couple of days

I was officially a nob - I was the smartest looking person in the room and I didn't even know the difference between a credit card and debit card!

I could see the evil mix of loathing, amusement and pity in her eyes

And then, in our most glorious moment,

When all eyes were on us

When the air was closer than it had ever been

After the magnificent climax of that horiffic afternoon

Right then and there

In the back room of the Nationwide Building Society

My nose began to bleed.


Tuesday, 2 February 2010

I'm in love with a German Tuesday.

Hmph. Was actually about to go to bed - new early nights plan - but remembered David said he'd eat me.
Soooo apparently I'm a poosk for not abandoning Becky on her birthday. Right?
For shame DavidTom.

Need to vacuum though it's past eleven and I feel the neighbours may kill themselves if I was to do so.

Hm. Checking my email.
3 New messages.
Spam, Joe Solmonese (HRC) and New College.

New College says University funding has been cut, University's less likely to be leninient if people don't make their offers - be realistic when selecting choices.
Joe Solmonese talking about campaigning for a US Congress repeal regarding the military's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' stance regarding sexuality - campaign currently backed by Obama.
And spam offering me great deals on 'all kinds of electrical products.'

My name's Juliet, and that was my inbox.
So glad you were there so share these precious moments.

Monday, 1 February 2010


Two is a really weird way of spelling 2.

It's been a pretty mixed week, Wednesday and Thursday were pretty gay but then Friday and Saturday more than made up for them.
I'm SO pleased exams are over, I'm already behind on college work I should have been doing when I was revising but it's cool, I'm just going to ignore it for a while, I feel i deserve a break.

My weekend was awesome, Tom's/ Juliets's on fri, Jo's on sat :)
(anyone who went to becky's is a poosk.)


I very much enjoyed everyone's blogs this week guys, especially yours cath.

Josh I see no semicolon, also hurry up with your essay
Juliet it was actually Addition Polymerisation
Tom noice one.
Cath I hope you drown.

I'm super bored, I think one of y'all should finish working and we can go do fun stuff?
