Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Wow. Poor show guys.

And by guys I obviously mean Will.

Test tomorrow.
It's a practical exam, and there's no past papers.
Eight topics total with a choice of five. Only actually attended sessions for four of the topics, so this should be fun.
So far have been assembling notes for six of them, and think I shall leave it at that.
I imagine this is going to be a nightmare.
Worth 25%, no idea what to expect, or how to revise.
But, it is my last piece of in-course assessment this term, so after tomorrow it's just pure revision! Yaaay.

Spent the weekend in Newcastle, Uncle's birthday, sorting out my Grandpa's house / scattering ashes etc...
(Yeah - not sure how many people I mentioned it to. My Grandpa died back at the start of term, followed a week later by Salem / Bailey / Mischief - whatever name you might've known my cat by. That plus a whole load of FUCKING POINTLESS drama has made this term kinda unpleasant. But yay, bitches be crazy. And hopefully out of my life by next semester.)

Can't remember if I mentioned, we have a new flat? Haven't actually seen it yet, but this rather wonderful photograph by Dickie I think illustrates it quite well:
Don't know why he chose to take it as a selfie. Or why he's biting his lip. Or why he decided to snapshot the letting agent.

Also, here's the floorplan I made him draw when we were drunk:

Most exciting news of the week - obviously, is the return of Game of Thrones. :D
Best Monday ever, and thankfully many more to come.

Currently finishing off series two of American Horror Story with John. Which is glorious and you should all watch it because it has lots of bum and Zachary Quinto.

And yeah. Am in the library, as per usual. So should probably go back to working before I face any further judgement.