Today has been very confusing.
Since Saturday literally all I have done is wake up, go to the library, go home, eat dinner, go to the library, go home, sleep.
Muchos muchos deadlines.
BUT today is the last of the aforementioned deadlines.
BUT whilst celebrating the end of my essay writing, I drank too much and forgot to sleep. Essentially, finished essay at about 10pm. Came home, drank wine, hung out with Dickie. Finished wine, started on vodka. Dickie went to sleep. Brain said 'let's watch a film before we go to bed!' I agreed, not realising it was already 4am. Film finished, it was daylight.
SO. Being that I had to hand in this essay, AND that the drop-box for my essay is two miles from my flat, AND that I haven't been to a lecture for a long time, instead of doing the sleepy thing, I begun my day.
Since then I have showered, gone to Starbucks, read some book in Starbucks, drank A FUCKING HUGE COFFEE (that is kinda making me feel like I'm about to die), bumped into my bro, Max - who was up early because it's his girlfriend's birthday and he was buying all sorts of exciting ingredients to make her breakfast in bed because he is literally THE sweetest, bought Easter eggs for all my flatmates, tidied my room, walked to KB, entered KB library for the first time EVER, encountered their wondrous hand driers, and wrote this blog?
Anyway. Since I have last seen you...
I dunno. Stuff?
These days mostly library and flat-hunting.
And cooking. Fucking love cooking.
Did a three-course dinner on Friday:
Mushroom soufflé with vine roasted tomatoes and a rocket salad.
HANDMADE spinach and ricotta ravioli in red pesto on a bed of asparagus.
And a trio of desserts: lemon and yoghurt fool, poached pears in red wine and chocolate brownies.
Afterwards we drank lots and invented the best parlour game EVER.
It's like charades, but essentially you need a music playing device, and some good headphones.
You are given a song, and must then listen to said song whilst acting out the lyrics - everyone else must guess the song. Much fun.
CHRIST. I feel unusual.
Kinda drunk, quite hungover, very caffeine, also sleepy.
ARGH. I have a double lecture in half an hours time. This shall not go well.
BUUTTTTTT, whilst drunk last night I decided on an honours for definite.
And it issssss..... GENETICS.
Which, I realise is what I went to Uni to do in the first place. But I assure you, there was some wavering in the middle.
But yeah, my hand-in today was a genetics report, and I enjoyed writing it, and telling everyone about it, and thinking about it, so I believe this is a good sign and I should do it.
Definitely genomics is the way to go.
But yeaaaaah... still need a title for my essay. After that I may well just go home. Do not think I can survive the day. Literally only came into the library because I assumed it would be empty and I could find somewhere to sleep.
What is it with all this people, working?
This is the picture I just sent to my Jubs.
I think it sums up how I'm feeling.
I should've mentioned.
Me and flatmate John realised that we were both called Jubs from a young age. Which is peculiar. As people aren't usually called Jubs.
As such we agreed we are probably one person. A symbiotic entitity: the JUBS.