Nothing much to report about my week.
Went to Torquay.
Got a cold.
Currently panicking about Christmas shopping.
I think many people are back today. Also think they are venturing to the pub? I'm going to the Beehive with my mum and Juliet's mum to plan our Christmas meal.
Went to the Beehive last night, its very festive in there. They have a massive tree attached to the ceiling. I don't know how they managed to get it in there. There was an Irish band playing and they did an atrocious version of Fairytale of New York, they didn't even finish it.
Today I am going to attempt to go to town to buy presents, but I'm scared of all the people that are going to be there.
Feeling a bit tired and hungover, was still ill from cold last night so obviously I decided to drink mulled wine, white wine and ale.
We have our team Christmas meal on Tuesday, that will be nice. And then the managers are buying everyone fish and chips on Wednesday. Friday is the Housing Christmas party, which will be interesting I'm sure. Managed to get some of the other apprentice's to get tickets, but we're all worried about getting really drunk and doing embarrasing stuff...
I think we should Wacky Wednesday this week!
Nothing else to say :) but see you all sooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!!!!