Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Exam in three hours.

It will be exam number 2 of 3.
I should be working right now, BUT I DON'T WANNA.
Bored of this shit.
After this my next exam is on the 18th, so I shall take the rest of the day of to celebrate the birthday of Sarah.
I wanna get drunk.

Considering Pharmacology as my honours.
Had the exam on Monday, and it was ok.
But so far it's been the one I enjoyed working for most.

Molecular Genetics today could be ok, could be balls.
The past papers vary.
There's just so much boring shit to memorise.

The stationary phase regulon in E.Coli is activated by sigma38 which is encoded by the gene rpoS.
During the growth phase, rpoS mRNA is negatively regulated by H-NS. It also forms a secondary structure that occludes the ribosome binding site, and also promotes degradation by Rnase II.
Transcription of the small RNA DrsA is increased when the temperature drops below 22 degrees.
DrsA negatively regulates H-NS. It also binds the 5' end of rpoS mRNA, where Rnas II cleaves the double stranded section and reveals the 3' ribosome binding site.
Under normal conditions RssB is phosphorylated. RssB-P binds sigma38 and directs it to ClpXP protease where it is degraded. Under conditions of stress RssB phosphorylation is inhibited and sigma38 is hence stabilised.

I mean, seriously. Who cares?