Sunday, 22 April 2012


So I am right back in Bristol now.

I have an exam tomorrow and that is a pretty scary prospect. I have revised quite hard but I am still worried. Oh well, we shall see.

My week has mainly centred around the aforementioned revision so not a whole lot of exciting news. Kate's birthday was really lovely on Wednesday, I had the best time. My only regret was not really realising it would be the last time I saw everyone before coming back here and so I did not say bye properly. The good news is this term isn't particularly long and I should be back by mid June!

I finished the first Hunger Games a couple of days ago. It was quite a good book. I think the film had a more exciting ending though, it seemed like in the book the author got a bot bored by the time it got down to the last 3 tributes. Oh well, it was still thoroughly entertaining.

In my list of blog ideas I have on my phone the only recent addition is an entry which simply says 'Puppies Easter'. I have no idea what I was getting at with that. It sounds adorable what ever it is. I'll see if I can remember it some time.

This week I am on hospital placement from Tuesday. I hope this will be fun. We learning neuro examinations so I am assuming this will be less poking of people and more shining little torches in their eyes and hitting their knees with hammers.

I really ought to go to bed now, early start tomorrow :-/

EDIT I think this was the puppies thing: