Monday, 16 April 2012

Fuck a duck, 14 minutes late, I'm ashamed of myself. Tommorrow I promise <3
Several hours later

I didn’t blog on time. I’m sorry.

This week has been awesome. Thursday/Friday/Saturday was super cool but perhaps David is the only one who would be interested in that and he was already there, so I won’t elaborate any further.

Revision is still happening and is still dull and that's all I really have to say about that.

I started reading The Hunger Games. It is lovely and easy to read. It is similar in story to the film so far but the characters are quite different. Katniss is an asshole to almost everyone almost all of the time. I think knowing the story is slightly spoiling the book too as all the dramatic bits so far I have known what will happen. I am looking forward to finishing this book and going on to the next.

I go back to uni in a week and I really don’t want to. I am scared of my exam and I am scared I don’t know enough. I already have 2 retakes in the summer with only a few weeks to revise for them; I don’t think I could deal with any more. I don’t know, I like my course and I don’t want to fail any more of it.

I really don’t have much other news to talk about I’m afraid.

Let’s not stop blogging, it was going so well.