Wednesday, 12 October 2011


I nearly forgot, but look at me - little trooper.
So. I didn't go to Itchy Feet and neither did I go to Glasgow.
But my little toenail is about to fall off. I also have quite a severe limp, a blister on the underside of my foot and various other maladies.
But Cath came up last weekend so now pain has no meaning.
It was good.
I have to wait until my washing's done until I can sleep. I am feeling like death.
Although, to be honest I'll probably just sleep on the sofa. I had to stick my bedding in. But I'm scared because last time I looked it was MEGA foamy because I put double the tablets in on account of the blood.
We bought Left for Dead 2 from Cex.
We also bought Neverending Story, we tried watching it during pre-drinking but then the horse died of sadness and I think everyone's heart broke a little.
The boys did fajitas tonight, which was lovely as I limped home from a lab at about 5 after having eaten nothing all day but some bread I found to find them already cooking. I missed my morning lab and had to sneak into another sesh. I only ate one of mine, I think I might be hungry but worry that it actually might be a desire to vomit that I'm sensing, and I don't want to risk vomiting such a lovely fajita.
I also broke my key last night.
I'm enjoying the run-on-sentences and incoherent structure tonight.