Fuck Thursday,
It's still Wednesday in many ways.
I was going to plan this one but I decided to just rant about my week to you instead.
This week went well I think. Friday night I went to the Falmouth beer festival, which was basically a charity run boozy airport. I had some wierd ale called Scilly Stout that tasted like chocolate, which was king of disgusting but nice. Then on Saturday our house had a barbeque and that was a massive success. Sunday I kind of nursed my hangovers by reading Alan Partridge's autobiography, which you should totally read Tom. Then Monday my sister got here and we partied hard on white russians. We went to Lizard point on Tuesday; 'The southern'st Britan' was really cool and I took an awesome photo of it just for the blog but seem to have left my phone cable in Swindon. Trust me it was awesome. Wednesday was yesterday (today, whatever) and that was the night I went to the pub.
My tutor hates me and after reading that overview of my week I can kind of see why.
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be Dick Dastardly, he's always putting so much effort in and never winning the race and that dog just laughs at him all the time.
I've been thinking a lot this week about pasties, but that's a story for another blog.
I don't know what else to say.
Except this...
Love to your mothers?