Friday, 23 September 2011

I know what you're thinking...

It's friday, right?


This morning (Thursday morning that is, cause it's still Thursday) I woke up and went to work then got home and fell asleep then cooked some mackrel then went to work again then went home (with a brief half an hour visit to the vic).

That is just how interesting my day has been. In fact, that's just how interesting my week has been.

Actually, I did see you David outside the vic which was nice - if not brief -and it made me realise once more how little I've seen of you this week which is annoying. I'm sorry you guys.

But apparently we're going to Cath's for a sit down with some films tomorrow right? That sounds so perfect I cannot even tell you.

Next week I will have lots more interesting things to tell you like for instance whether or not I passed my MOTHER FUCKING DRIVING TEST. If I do by the way, you're all welcome for a day of driving around the countryside with me next Friday, it will be rad and awesomely lovely (weather permitting) so I expect happiness.

Will, I couldn't agree more, this summer has gone far too quickly and I'm really sad that everybody's going to uni too, especially me because I'm Swindon's biggest loss since the front garden.

I'm so tired I can't see straight so it's going have to be goodnight from me, I'll see y'all tomorrow so we can catch up IRL.

Love to your mothers.