Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Gotta get down on Wednesday?

Another quickun because I have limited battery life and much to be done.
But at least I'm blogging, AMIRIGHT? David, Tom and Cath. You disappoint me.

In the library at the moment, for some rapid CV pimping and printing.
Did a lap of all the local pubs and now need to prove how awesome I am.

Did Freshers week, was very lovely and drunken. Now doing first week, still lovely and drunken but with added learning.
Actually enjoying the lectures at the moment, but when the course organiser himself mentions the name by which his module his fondly referred to (The Dynamic Hell) I think perhaps it's unlikely to last.

Went to a biblical themed birthday party as the David to my friend Gavin's Goliath.
Was awesome, but I drank two bottles of wine, walked home barefoot on my own, befriending a man on the way who shared his chips with me. Got to my flat only to realise I'd left my keys and mobile at the others', and of course none of them were in.
Crashed a flat party on my road where I knew no one and stole lots of vodka.
Got home in the end.

Currently assembling a jellyfish costume for a alphabet themed flat warming.

I like my flat. Juan gave us his TV on loan and it's HUGE. We also have my PS2 and an xbox 360. We play much GTA4.

Sorry I have nothing exciting for you.
You're still welcome.