Hahaha, last night.
What an amazing headfuck.
Sucks to be sleeping: TOM.
So, who knew Wheatsheaf had an organ?!?
Psh, I dunno what to say.
Had an epic Sunday with Miranda. Loved getting discounts on cheese because I'm 'Miranda's friend'. =D
And loved our innovative way of carrying a plant pot home.
Oh yeah, and thanks for the frape, got a message this morning from my dad saying something along the lines of "So... you're in a relationship. Do we need to talk?"
Aaanyway. Owen Pallett, 25th March, Cardiff.
Getting a lift with ma mere so three seats left in the car if anyone's interested.
Dunno what there's left to say.
Ordered many a Frank Turner album in readyness for 2000 Trees.
So far I only know the versions David plays, so would probs be best to get to know the real thing.
Also got a couple more Belle & Sebastian so I can listen and mourn.
Swear when we're actually there I won't mention Latitude once. But for now.
I never finish with a picture.
I'll see what I've got.
Wow, not much. I forgot I emptied My Pictures folder.
Sorry guyss.