Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Me and the Tuesday

Wow. Last week was kinda pathetic kids.

Psh, I have nothing to say...
Umm, Uni. Heard from Edinburgh, accepted their offer - York as insurance. (y)
On Sunday went to the 'Diff, saw sister, father and grandmother. Went to Barry, stood on a peninsula and listened as both my father and nan rang various friends / relatives to confirm whether or not Barry Island was in fact an island.
Won a pink fish on the penny falls. Me and Krissy now share partial ownership of him - we've organised terms where he shall change hands every time we meet.
Was stuck on a train for bear time and have decided to re-evaluate my friends according to the speed and volume with which they replied to my texts.

Cath: Two phone calls.
Josh: 00:30:28 - 13
Connor: 00:30:33 - 10
Oonagh: 00:35:42 - 1
Will: 01:59:39 - 6
Becky: 10:34:19 - 2
George: 17:21:32 - 1

The rest of you are dead to me.
Apart from Tom, as I don't have your number.
So really David, it's just you. Sorry man.

Oooh, and yesterday beat my high score on Pyramid Solitaire.
611496 points. =D