Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Missed my last blog day

because I was STILL without internet, and rushing to hand in ANOTHER essay.
Today I am writing YET ANOTHER FUCKING ESSAY. Due in tomorrow.

So... My flat now has internet. Hence I am writing this wearing a huge dressing gown plus a nice big blanket.
And I now spend my essay breaks reading the wikipedia articles of various Game of Thrones actors.
I think I've gone wrong.

Obama is officially king.
Which is nice.

Miranda, Cath and Oonagh came up last weekend. As well as Owen's brother and two cousins, Pete and Gavin's respective sisters, plus Rosie, Josh and Grant.
It was a busy weekend.

It was also halloween.
I dressed like this:
I know, right? Check me out.
That's spray in black hair dye, a base coat of light-grey body paint, highlighted with white body paint, and shaded with a dark grey eyeshadow (that I am also wearing on my lips. yum.)

OH. And I've invited the fatman to New Years, I hope that ok.
If not we can just make him wait in the car.

I'm really excited to see you all again. Christmas seems so close!
(Although I probably won't make it back to Swindon until the 21st due to bastard exams.)

And in case anyone was wondering, the results came back and my cervix is A-OK!