Sunday, 19 August 2012

Thanks for the reminder Matt :)

I'm sorry last week's blog was so very poor. I was in Edinburgh and was busy getting drunk.

Today has been awesome. We had a barbecue at my house and the weather was so hot and it was delightful. My house is now stupidly hot and I don't thihnk I will be able to get to sleep.

Earlier in the week Kate, Matt, Kerry, Tom and I went for a walk in the countryside and it was delightful. We saw stripy cows and got stung by stinging nettles.

I kind of achieved my blogging goal a few weeks ago. I was attempting to write a proper blog a week for a whole year. I pretty much managed it. I did a couple of very short ones and posted a few just after midnight but other than that I pretty much got there. For the rest of the summer now my blogs may get shorter and crappier.

I seem to be going through a bit of an obsession of books with the word 'game' in the title. I just finished the second Hunger Games and have moved on to Ender's Game, lined up on my bookshelf I have A Game Of Thrones ready to go. Any suggestions of game related books I should read after that?

 The stars at my house are super bright tonight. I sat outside for a while early with my camera to try and get pictures but didn't have a tripod so they all came out shitty.

I think that is all really. Night.