Wednesday, 6 June 2012

As good a time as any.

Despite waking up late, needing money for the bus, both cashpoints next to mine being out of order, needing to run to Tesco, get money out, get change, run to the bus stop and catch my bus.
I am predictably still far to early. Arriving at 8am to meet my project supervisor for 8:20am.
So here I am, sat in the lobby of Chancellor's Building in the Royal Infirmary. Out of bed before twelve for the first time, in I dunno. Ever.

Sorry about my last no show.
Spend from last Wednesday until last night at Charlotte's house in Arran having wholesome Scottish island fun.

My week before was also lovely. Trying to remember what it actually consisted of.
I know I went out a few times. I know we had picnics in the Meadows, went to the beach, went on walks round Holyrood Park, went out for dinner, went out in Glasgow.
We had a charity poker tournament, with me coming second out of twelve which was awesome. Managed to take Harry and Duncan out of the game, lost only to Chris - which means beating both Pete and Adam which was excellent. But didn't win any money as Pete paid me in, so my winnings went to him.

Did I mention John's garden? Had a wonderful day sitting in there, helping his flatmate with a papier mache octopus head. It is like a little paradise in the middle of Edinburgh.
It's in the middle of all these flats so there is no wind at all, so in the sunshine it is BOILING, and there's a pond and ducks and chickens and a paddling pool and its so prettyyy!
But he has to give it up. As next year John is living with me.

Arran was also beautiful. We did walks, went to the pub a lot, drank a lot, played board games and sat in the sun. Am a little sunburnt to meet my supervisor.

I'm here at the moment to attend a lab meeting, then I suppose there's going to be some admin stuff, settling in. I'm going to be taught some procedural stuff so I'm all ready to start work in July.

Off to my dad's on Friday morning, getting a delightful 5:45am bus with Pete, Owen and Sarah ready to party it up on Saturday, before returning to my kittys.

Will, I am so sorry about your cat.
I had a moment when we were in Glasgow, at the end of the night, all drunk and hormonal and sad when I ended up climbing into Pete's dog's basket and crying all over her because I missed Holly so much.
Trying to go to bed that night, every time I thought about her I burst into another flood of tears.

Poor David and horrible exams.
I should get my results back in a week or so. Which means I'm currently having strings of exam-fear dreams. Keep thinking that I have one tomorrow I haven't revised for, or that I missed one, or went to the wrong one, or forgot about one.

And did you all see Chris Ward's Edinburgh road trip plan?
GET ON IT. I mean, please.
I want fleets of kittys in cars descending on Scotland.
You can park for free in the Park and Ride, ditch your car for as long as you like and stay with meeeee!
My total Swindon time is looking to be about two weeks this summer.
Don't make me sad and lonely.

It is now almost 8:30am. The meeting starts at 8:30am.
I have no idea where my supervisor is, no idea where the meeting is and no idea what to do.