Sunday, 24 June 2012

You may have spent the day in Croatia but I spent my entire day emptying and cleaning my uni house so, who is really having a better time?

So yeah, last time I am going to be at 31 Hampton Road. I really did have an awesome year there; living in a house is the best. I am quite excited for next year’s house too though, I think it is nicer than the one I’ve just moved out of. I will certainly have a better room in it. We even have a garden so maybe y’all can come visit over the summer and we can have a barbecue and stuff. My room at home is now incredibly full of things that I didn’t know I had and certainly don’t need, I have far too much stuff.

This week I discovered one of the coolest things. It is called Darwin Tunes, David may know about it because I think his university are the ones doing it. Basically they made a computer programme that generated random sine wave loops of sound. They then got people to listen to them online and rate how much they liked them. The ones that people liked the most were replicated and small random changes were added to them. This process has been going on for like 3 years now and the sounds are turning into proper little tunes and it is awesome.  

I might have landed a sweet job this summer. My cricket team have a guy playing for us who used to be a professional cricketer in India and is now some super qualified coach and ridiculously good player. He’s running a sort of cricket camp for the junior players for 5 weeks over the summer and needs people to do some of the coaching. Its £25 a day and I would only work 9-1 so it won’t even get in the way of awesome activities. Also I love cricket.

I might do a blog a day this week seeing as none of you will be able to. I’ll see how I’m feeling tomorrow and whether I actually have anything worth sharing.

In summary, you know who’s cool? Me and Chris. You know why? Because fuck Croatia, that’s why.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Please excuse Josh's recent absence from the blog, he was busy at home, helping his Mother with her clogg business

...or something.

So it looks like I've missed a lot and have some catching up to do. Although it seems only Miranda, Will and Juliet have been blogging this is still 3/5 and I'm determined to bring this number up.  Just looked back far enough and it turns out I haven't blogged since May 10th, I thought it was only like two weeks.  Now I feel like a fool.

Still haven't really blogged about anything...

I got a job, that's news.  I'm working in this little cafe in Falmouth down near the sea which does the best fucking milkshake you ever tasted and a mean fried breakfast too.  Just put it together yesterday that my bosses are a lesbian couple - it wasn't the 'we live together at the top of Penryn hill' or 'me and my partner...' or any of the very obvious hints like that but actually 'Ha! look, Mel, Josh does a man's hoover.  Yeah, don't bother with the corners Love, they're not dirty, eh?'  Suddenly her haircut made sense.
Seriously though, they're really nice ladies to work for.  I just can't get the hang of making a cappuccino right...

I've been watching a lot of Arrested Development recently since somebody told me last week that there was a movie being made finally and I got really excited and dived straight back up.  So yeah, if you haven't seen it you definitely should try.  Such a funny show.

Juliet, I've seen the pictures of your Dad's birthday and it looks like you guys had a lot of fun, wish I had gone now.  And Miranda, the wedding photos also were just lovely.  Now I sound gayer than the Pizza Police.

In the process currently of packing all my stuff into boxes for the new place.  I'm really excited about moving house, the new flat is right above this bar in the center, next to the clock tower and is literally a minute's walk from the sea and twenty minutes from uni.  The only downside is I don't have a living room but the bedrooms are freaking huge with sofas and stuff so that shouldn't be an issue.  Basically I'm just happy to be moving out of this box room. 

Lily's making me a roast dinner in like two hours but I just put a family size pizza in the oven.  I've never felt more capable of achieving my dreams.


This time

I tried to blog at Cath's but forgot my password.

There was my dad's party, which was amazing.
Partied on the farm. Woop woop.

Then we came back to Swindon.
More party fun times.
Lots of Croatia shopping.
Had a lovely dinner party.
Edinburgh Harry came over, we Roaring Donkey and Wacky Wednesday-ed.
Went to the Savoy.
Bristol to see Moonrise Kingdom which was AMAZING. Followed by Frozen Yoghurt.
Party at Jonny's.

Monday, 18 June 2012


Not gunna be long today because I'm here with kate and my fam and I don't want to be ruuude.
Exams were good guys! One was awful but the other five were good and it's all over now and I have nothing to do and don't even care.

Party at jonny's Wednesday guys! I hope to see you all there, I'm not sure if it's a day thing or a night thing or what? Not sure what else is gwan at the moment, I've sorted out my thangs for croatia which is cool, pretty excited.

Juliet your blog made me lol
Will I'm so sorry everything is rubbish at the moment, I got you this video though which makes
me really happy:

Miranda your wedding lookd COOL


Sunday, 17 June 2012

I think its 32 days until I am free, not that I’m counting…

It was awesome to see all you guys yesterday (except Josh, I’m sorry you weren’t there). I got really rather drunk, I can’t really remember the last time I drank properly and I think that might have been to blame. But yeah, it was so good to see people again even if I don’t really remember the last half of it.

I’m currently listening to The Tallest Man On Earth’s new album. I’m not sure what I think of it yet, I keep listening to it while I’m doing something else and not really paying attention to whether it is good or not.

Revision is still being right pain in the arse but I have found something which makes it is much more bearable. When I get too bored to carry on, I pick a random video from my youtube favourites. I have quite the selection of strange/inspiring/funny things in there and they always make me feel happier. My two favourites from today were this and this.

Soon I am going to run out of good videos to watch however, so I want your help. In your next blog can you all post a video that you think will make a nice break from revising, it can be literally anything you want, they will all be greatly appreciated.

Miranda, the wedding sounds lovely. The guy in those pictures (your sister’s husband I imagine?) has the most fabulous suit.

So I don’t know if I’m going to be seeing you guys before Croatia, if I don’t then I hope you have an awesome time. I’m going to make a picture blog for the week you’re away showing all the super cool stuff I can do on my own.


Saturday, 16 June 2012


So I really should have psoted last week but for reasons that I cannot remember, I didn't.

I've decided to post about my sister's wedding, which was on the 4th - 6th, and was totally wonderful!!!

I went to the cottage on the Saturday, as you probably know from my last post. My niece, Angwen was quite ill which wasn't good and we were all worried she wouldn't be fine for the wedding (but she was yay!) and on the Sunday more people arrived and went to their cottages and we had a bring and share foody thing and many a joke was told(some that I have deliberately forgottten) and there was song and merry times.

Thennnnn on the Monday all the rest of the guests arrived, and I moved from the cottage to the farmhouse place, which was like a  b&b. Me and my mum were sharing but she let me have the MASSIVE bed, I think it was wider than it was long.

There was another bring and share on the Monday night, in the old dove loft. There was so much bunting too that we had put up. My team won the quiz, so that was cool.

Theennnnn on the Tuesday was the wedddinggg!! My sister had arranged for a tractor and trailer to take all the guests to the church, so thats what happened, even though it was raining. Then after a little walk we got to the church and the marriage stuff happened, it was so lovely. I almost cried. There was singing and poems and nice speeches.

I forgot to mention that everyone was asked to dress bright and colourful.

When we got back there was mulled cider, and then we ate food. It was amazing. Then proper speeches and I kept almost crying, luckily i didn't.

Then to cut a long story short, I got very very drunk on wine and cider. I'm pretty sure I was drunk all the next day. So yeah it was great and lovely and wonderful.

So since then I haven't been up to much, just working lots. I worked at the Old Town Festival today, did a 10 hour shift but thats cool cause it paid well.


Sorry I'm not very good at explaining stuff well :)

Enjoy some pictures:

Thursday, 14 June 2012

I was going to blog when I came in from the pub

but I got distracted by my own explosive vomit.
I shall update soon.

Monday, 11 June 2012

4 exams down, 2 to go.

We return to our regularly scheduald programming next week

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Now seems like a good time to blog. My revision seems to be grinding to an agonising halt and it really shouldn’t be. I have an exam at 12:30 tomorrow and I am scared.

Since I last blogged my life has been all but consumed with revision and I haven’t enjoyed it one bit. I had an exam on Friday and I actually think it went alright, worryingly, everyone else thought it was good too which just means they will make the pass mark higher, the pass mark in the last exam we did was 62% and the exam was super hard so god knows what will happen with this one.

Here is my revision setup from today.

I was learning about brain, I do not understand them very much. I have also been revising the anatomy of the reproductive system. If someone looked at my internet history they would think that I looked at the dodgiest Wikipedia pages. I also learned not to google “mediolateral epiostomy”, damn is child birth terrifying. My final important lesson of the day was that there is an Icelandic Phallological Museum, who knew? 

I’m coming home tomorrow, probably for quite a while. My uni house has been practically empty all weekend so it seems like if I am going to sit in my room and revise all day, I might as well do it where I get food cooked for me. Also most of you guys are home/will be home soon and that is awesome.

I was actually home most of last week. My house is really really sad and empty when I am the only one in. I’m used to having a cat and dog to keep me company.

Anywho, not a whole lot else to say. Life is dull at the moment and I miss you guys.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

As good a time as any.

Despite waking up late, needing money for the bus, both cashpoints next to mine being out of order, needing to run to Tesco, get money out, get change, run to the bus stop and catch my bus.
I am predictably still far to early. Arriving at 8am to meet my project supervisor for 8:20am.
So here I am, sat in the lobby of Chancellor's Building in the Royal Infirmary. Out of bed before twelve for the first time, in I dunno. Ever.

Sorry about my last no show.
Spend from last Wednesday until last night at Charlotte's house in Arran having wholesome Scottish island fun.

My week before was also lovely. Trying to remember what it actually consisted of.
I know I went out a few times. I know we had picnics in the Meadows, went to the beach, went on walks round Holyrood Park, went out for dinner, went out in Glasgow.
We had a charity poker tournament, with me coming second out of twelve which was awesome. Managed to take Harry and Duncan out of the game, lost only to Chris - which means beating both Pete and Adam which was excellent. But didn't win any money as Pete paid me in, so my winnings went to him.

Did I mention John's garden? Had a wonderful day sitting in there, helping his flatmate with a papier mache octopus head. It is like a little paradise in the middle of Edinburgh.
It's in the middle of all these flats so there is no wind at all, so in the sunshine it is BOILING, and there's a pond and ducks and chickens and a paddling pool and its so prettyyy!
But he has to give it up. As next year John is living with me.

Arran was also beautiful. We did walks, went to the pub a lot, drank a lot, played board games and sat in the sun. Am a little sunburnt to meet my supervisor.

I'm here at the moment to attend a lab meeting, then I suppose there's going to be some admin stuff, settling in. I'm going to be taught some procedural stuff so I'm all ready to start work in July.

Off to my dad's on Friday morning, getting a delightful 5:45am bus with Pete, Owen and Sarah ready to party it up on Saturday, before returning to my kittys.

Will, I am so sorry about your cat.
I had a moment when we were in Glasgow, at the end of the night, all drunk and hormonal and sad when I ended up climbing into Pete's dog's basket and crying all over her because I missed Holly so much.
Trying to go to bed that night, every time I thought about her I burst into another flood of tears.

Poor David and horrible exams.
I should get my results back in a week or so. Which means I'm currently having strings of exam-fear dreams. Keep thinking that I have one tomorrow I haven't revised for, or that I missed one, or went to the wrong one, or forgot about one.

And did you all see Chris Ward's Edinburgh road trip plan?
GET ON IT. I mean, please.
I want fleets of kittys in cars descending on Scotland.
You can park for free in the Park and Ride, ditch your car for as long as you like and stay with meeeee!
My total Swindon time is looking to be about two weeks this summer.
Don't make me sad and lonely.

It is now almost 8:30am. The meeting starts at 8:30am.
I have no idea where my supervisor is, no idea where the meeting is and no idea what to do.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Exams are hard

So everyone might have noticed my conspicuous absence from the blog at the moment, it's not because I hate you all (though for some of you I really do) it's just that my exams are here and now and blogging doesn't take that long but I can't be deeein with it y'know?

I have had 1 exam and have 5 left; I finish in 11 days

Love you all, hope you're well, I'm very excited to see you.

From David

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Ooops, nearly forgot!

It's late and I'm sleepy and I'm getting up early in the morning. A real blog will follow at some point tomorrow.


Now seems to be an ideal opportunity to do some blogging. I am bored to death of revising. I have an exam on Friday and another the Monday after that. Lame.

My week was not exciting in the least. I finished lectures on Thursday, about a month after pretty much everyone else I know. All but two of my housemates totally finished exams on Friday so they were being far too happy for me to spend much time around them. Instead I came home and have done revising here.

I played some cricket on Saturday which was nice. While we were warming up I got hit on the nose by a cricket ball and it made it bleed like a motherfucker. My lovely white cricket shirt and trousers got pretty well splattered and I looked like a badass for the whole of the game.

I have been revising to rainymood and whisperings piano radio today. I normally listen to the piano radio late at night and it fits so well with the rain sounds. During the day however it gets way too jazzy and is completely unsuitable.

My cat died on Saturday which sucked. She had massive kidney problems a couple of years ago and so here kidneys were really weak anyway, it really was only a matter of time before they got really bad. She just lay on the same chair for 2 days straight and wouldn’t eat or drink so we took her to the vet who said there was really nothing that they could do to make her better. Shit was far sadder than I thought it would be. This is the only picture I have of her saved on my computer, she was super pretty:

I’m going to some jubilee celebration thing in a bit. I don’t really care for the queen but there are going to be fireworks and a free barbecue so I’d be mad to turn all that down. Hopefully there won’t be national anthem singing or anything too monarchist going on.

So my plan for the next week; revise like crazy until Monday’s exam is over and then pretty much move out of my uni house for the summer. Come home maybe on Tuesday and then perhaps hang out with some of you at some point soon after that, when are you all home?

I don’t know what’s happened to all of you. The blog was going so good for a while. I would love it if you could squeeze in a little update of what’s new with all your lives.

Maybe see you soon.

P.S. Have you seen The Pizza Police's blog lately? It's camper than a row of tents.

Saturday, 2 June 2012


Hi all,
This will be a short one as I am on my mobile. Currently in a lovely little cottage somewhere in the middle of Somerset, as my sister is getting married on Tuesday!!! Yaaaaaay! It's so nice here and its nice to get away from swindon and work for a few days. That means I will miss jubilee celebrations but I don't really mind as I'm at a wedding!!!

Hope you are all well anyway and have a good bank holiday!!! :)