Tuesday, 27 April 2010

The Sound of Tuesday

S'been a while. Where are you bloggers?

So, as I told David my morning consisted of quite possibly the most painful sneeze of my life alongisde some chemistry revision.
Aaand, psh I dunno.
There was English, and the new Sitcom soon to be sweeping the nation: 'Why I Hate Your Mother' starring: Mr Blanket, Fat Foot Duck and Sad Blob.
There was Chemistry and a bullshit practical exam thingy, which technically featured no practical element.

Silly college.
Wish I had more motivation.
Tbh, I spent the majority of my 'chemistry revision' staring at one of my paintings trying to figure out what it was lacking / what needed changing / what wasn't working.
And without fail whenever I'm trying to sleep or walking to college or having a bath or quite often when I'm at work I'm thinking about (seems pretentious and a little premature to call it a novel, but... psh, it's what I'm aiming for...) my 'novel'.
It's just, kinda pointless. I'm working so I can go to Uni so I can study a science, but I'm only really properly interested in the creative arts.
Not that I don't enjoy Genetics, but... y'know. It's not really the same.

Je ne sais pas.
Cannae wait for Uni though. =D