Just got back from the pub, well from Juliet's house but it's all the same to you. Juliet it feels like I haven't seen you in FOREVER
I'm glad all you guys have finished exams now, I was getting reallllly bored being the only one. I guess I should have filled my time with coursework or something but it was never going to be that easy.
I reckon if we all make Tom blog and if Cath just remembers once in a while then we could have something pretty sweet here. If not, there's always real life. Remember that?
Been job hunting this week cause I need some more money for living fees next year; handed in my CV at a lot of places and signed myself up witht his job agency which seems to want to do nothing but spam me instead of actually finding me a job. 'Why do you want to work in the cornish bakehouse' just became the hardest question I have ever been asked. Still, I got an interview at shakeaway so that's pretty awesome casue I could get paid for making milkshake all day.
Oh yer, spot the semi-colon
I had a pretty bad dream the other night where I got all my results from January and i got all Cs and no universities would take me so I had to work full time at Earles FOREVER.
I really don't wanna work at Earles forever you guys, I really don't.
Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat but it's almost friday and if i delay any longer the internet will just turn it's back on me and sulk 'no blogging for you' then none of you would be able to read my awesome blog.
So goodnight fair old internet land, rest now, I'll see you next week.