I feel terribly out of place here, the medical sciences library is full of nerdy and dishevelled folk like me (I haven't shaved in like 10 days, don't judge) whereas everyone in the arts library looks like they've tried a bit too hard and are a bit too edgy for me. I have no other choice though, this is the only library open at this time on a Sunday night.
All week I've been thinking about blogging about the people in the library that annoy me, however that list has become so extensive that I couldn't possibly fit it all in one post. I will give special mention to the guy sitting a few seats over from me who I'm pretty sure is having some kind of breakdown, he keeps talking to himself about how tired he is and sporadically bursting out laughing. Poor guy. There is also a guy just around the corner who has been watching Arrested Development on his laptop for the last hour and a half or so, why is he here? Why doesn't he just go home?
I'm currently on practice exam question number 680 out of 750. They are multiple choice but still take a while to mark. I'm currently averaging about 60% which is okay I think.
5 hours of exams on Tuesday and then I'm done and dusted. I can not wait to see you all again.
Right, onwards with the questions, bed before 1 o'clock I think. Night.
Update: 598 out of 814 on the multiple choice questions, that is ~73.5%. Aww yiss.
Also I found this on the toilet wall, the bit about diglett it made me laugh, I am too tired for this kind of shit: