Sunday, 26 May 2013


Sunday, 19 May 2013

Bloggity blog blog blog.

More to come in the morning.

And when I say in the Morning I clearly mean 1 am on Tuesday.

Work is busy as a busy thing. Had one exam last week. It was a practical thing where you are observed taking a full history and performing a full exam. My patient was somewhat tricky but I think it went okay. If we fail we had to be told on the spot, but my exmainer didn't say anything so I am taking it that means I have passed. I have 2 exams this week on Thursday and Friday. I am somewhat worried.

Spent all day until 4 today in the library, then had a teaching session with one of the junior doctors and then had a teaching session with some consultants from 6:30-9:30 this evening. It was super tiring but the person organising the evening teaching know everyone is super tired and freaking out so bought everyone beer and snacks and it was beautiful.

I have finally finished my big portfolio. It may not look like much, but I reckon this baby represents about 200 hours of work and was a huge pain in the ass to complete. I am glad to see the back of it:

I have a tutorial at 8 tomorrow. That's in 7 hours. Dang.

Here is a song played on a  moving bus and has some sweet ass mandolin in. All in all, good song:

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

I still read your blogs, Will!

Shall not bother attempting to explain my absences of late. Essentially, I'm just forgetful.

Buut, finished exams on the 6th, after a long period of furious revision.
All went pretty good, and all my in course stuff was above 70, so hopefully I will be able to maintain the fairly fragile grip I have on a first.

Since finishing I've been pretty crap.
I was the first one finished (along with John), and together the pair of us have fallen into a general schedule of malaise.

I have been to the meadows with John, Georgie, Rebecca plus others, followed by Singstar and pub. Had a meal at Sarah's cooked by her mum, followed by pub with Pete, Sags, Oli and John. Cath came up, we had dinner then cocktails then met Sarah, Darryl and Georgie at the pub. I did lunch with Georgie, followed by shopping, films, dinner with her flatmate Emma, then lots of drinks.
So yeah, I done things. But mostly I've just tidied, attempted to sort out my room ready for moving - including three binbags worth of clothes, one to the charity shop and two to the recyling - and watched TV. Lots of TV.
Started and finished Veep, started Childrens Hospital, mostly finished 30 Rock (I've been watching it previously with Dickie and he's just been picking random episodes, so now I have to go back through figuring out which ones I've missed).

Yeah, it's been nice, if not exciting.
Need to get on with figuring out my summer.
Should be going to Arran later in the month, back to Swindon a bit later. Amsterdam and Best Kept Secret. Italy with Pete sometime during July. Then maybe doing something else in August? Also need to find time to move into my new flat, and maybe attempt a bit of Fringe.

Sunday, 12 May 2013


I hope the title makes me seem both deep and mysterious and simultanesouly moody and pretentious Matt.

Where is everyone?

The past week has been pretty dull. I have spent the majority of my time avoiding revision by finding awesome new music instead. More on that to come.

I played cricket this weekend again. We won again. Turns out we might have a pretty strong team this year; we are currently top of the league, maybe we’ll win a trophy or something.

I honestly can’t think of a single piece of exciting news to tell you about. It was beautifully sunny on Monday and I spent the day inside reading textbooks and the like. I have to hand in my clerking portfolio on Wednesday 6 days before the official deadline which came as a bit of a shock. I’m slowly getting there. Only 2 more patients to write notes for and only 10 or so diseases to write about. We also have to include a 2100 word essay about inter-professional learning although it seems unlikely that this will even be marked. Because of that I wrote it from start to finish this morning, finishing with references and all before 12 o’clock. I am pretty proud of that achievement.

Ben Marwood has a new album out on Monday. I had it pre-ordered and somehow it arrived yesterday and I am listening to it right now. There are a lot of songs with more instruments than just guitar on which is a bit of a change from his older stuff. At first I was somewhat sceptical about this, but I think it is growing on me. I still prefer the all-acoustic version of Lock And Key Though.

Other music I’ve listened to this week is everything and anything by Pat the Bunny. He is the lead singer of Johnny Hobo And The Freight Trains, the band I posted songs from for the last two weeks, here is another of their songs, performed at a party by Pat on his own, look how happy the ginger guy is:

 His current band is called Ramshackle Glory and they are equally awesome if somewhat more refined. He also has another band called Wingnut Dishwashers Union who I have listened to less of so far. Here is a song called Your Heart Is A Muscle The Size Of Your Fist: 

Finally, remember the ginger guy from the first video? Well he also sings songs under the name Redbear and they are pretty great too. Here is him performing a song called My Ghost-Love Jam. 

And I'll leave you with some comedy which I had never seen before:

I think that’s all folks. Someone else write a blog.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Pretty lonely around here. I think I might be the only one who even reads my blogs.

As mentioned last week, I was in hospital many an early morning and late evening. Well not many, but 2 nights and 2 7:30 starts was more than enough. I had my scariest consultant experience to date. I was asked to present a patient on a ward round which basically meant me telling the consultant all about a new patient whilst 6 or 7 real life doctors all watched. He then proceeded to quiz me on what Hartmann's procedures and Virchow's triad, I think it went okay.

I ran a 10K race today which was pretty fun. I think I said before about how I wanted to do it in under an hour. Well I finished in 59 minutes and 35 seconds, I am a boss at pacing myself. I also finished 5557th out of over 12,000 people, so above average, what up. Here is proof:
Further proof, here I am with my housemates Andy, Rachel and Andy who also took part. We got sweet free tshirts and medals. I'm never taking mine off:

Don't worry though, I'm not taking this fitness business too seriously, I have just finished an entire tub of Ben and Jerry's.

I played cricket on Saturday. The team we played were absolutely terrible. Like honestly, really not good at cricket at all. We won very easily. Update on the blackness of my thumb from last Saturday, it looks slightly less black now and I can write with almost no pain. I hope the nail doesn't fall off, that would suck:

Further to a discussion I had with David earlier, folk-punk is most definitely the best genre of music. I have had this album on repeat all week long. Its the same guy as I posted last week, but it just doesn't get boring and this is the entirety of one of his albums. He also has songs called "I'm So Punk I Hate Punk" and "Anarchy Means I Hate You":

Here is something that made me laugh in the library this afternoon (I was taking one of my numerous reddit breaks). George R R Martin loves surprising his readers.